Friday, August 2, 2024

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Gets 51% of The Vote


The National Electoral Council stated that President Nicolas Maduro won 51 % of the vote. The NEC also revealed that Edmundo Gonzalez got 44%. The opposition has made the claim of electoral fraud, but has not produced evidence. The Maduro administration has faced external inference and internal discord. Much of the internal dispute comes from right-wing political factions. President Nicolas Maduro's administration has presided over a struggling economy. The reason is sanctions imposed by other countries. Venezuela has some of the largest oil reserves in the world. This makes the country a target of larger powers. Nicolas Maduro wants to continue the revolutionary Bolivarianism of Hugo Chavez. The challenge is he lacks the charisma and skill of the former president. What works in his favor is survival. President Maduro has been able to avoid being victim of regime change or internal intrigue. The administration has been in power 11 years. The reason Venezuela survives is because it allies itself with other leftist governments. Nicaragua and Cuba are two countries that are essential to Venezuela's regional diplomatic ties. Brazil and Colombia are also going to become more important to Venezuela overtime. The best chance of fighting sanctions is expanding connections with African and Asian nations. Turbulence in the Middle East could elevate the importance Venezuelan oil. The US might have to normalize relations and lift sanctions to get access to it. President Nicolas Maduro still has to navigate regional hostility, threats from the EU, and right-wing plots.      

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