#Me Too, Sexism, And The Problem With Social Media Based Movements

What stared with the exposure of Harvey Weinstein's  sex crimes turned into a movement. The #Me Too movement has been gaining momentum with women exposing their stories of sexual harassment in the workplace and sexual assault in other areas of their lives. Advocates do not just want to share their stories, but want to see an end to sexual harassment and assault. Contemporary movements are social media based either in regards to organization or general discourse. The issue with this method is that it does not promote social or political consciousness. It generates a close atmosphere in which debate is limited and only a select group has control of the discussion. The #Me Too movement like other social media movements could become another trend without producing a lasting impact or effective change. It cannot be denied that there is institutionalized sexism that projects itself in the workplace and wider society through sexual harassment and misconduct. The rate of rape and sexual violence directed at women globally is astronomical. It is more evident that male behavior must change and crimes be taken seriously with more severe punishment. Yet, there must also be acknowledgement that female behavior must change to reduce the risk of such crimes occurring. Too many women are either attracted to men with status and power, who are more likely to be the abusers of women. The lugubrious aspect of this fact is that are also the least likely to be criminally charged or censured for such actions. Women are either scared or choose to remain silent about the abuse directed at them. This only makes it difficult to bring such perpetrators to justice. If such crimes or incidents occurred decades ago this makes it a challenge to prove in court. The obstacle to change also is the power hierarchy system that is present in every society. The promotion of victim feminism also causes more obstacles because it could alienate people who would be allies, keeps women in an infantile like state, and generally presents the image of men as nothing more than sexual predators. If the movement is not organized or brings people to a new alternative it will descend into mere spectacle.

         There is a systemic institutional form of sexism present in particular industries and workplaces. When a company or workplace becomes too male dominated, women entering such sectors can be at risk for abuse. The military, information technology companies, film and entertainment industry are common examples of systemic abuse and sexism. While there are sexual harassment policies present they are not enforced. Limited or lack of enforcement of such policies create a hostile workplace. Certain attitudes must be addressed to have permanent change in workplace  culture. This means having sexual harassment training be a part of employee orientation. Such training and programs must be taken seriously rather than mere token presentations to new employees. It may be necessary to have annual training as a preventative measure. Other than enforcement of policies or new rules set in the workplace there is a much wider problem that needs to be addressed. The view that women are nothing more than sex objects must be challenged. Such a view repulsive as it is, still seems to linger in modern society. The message that women can only be valued for their appearance or sexual value rather than the quality of their character contributes to the atmosphere of sexual abuse. This is what the # Me Too movement does not understand. The central problem has to be confronted  as well as the fall out from it.Sexual objectification has become such an ingrained part of the global culture, many people have difficulty identifying it. When provided an explanation of why certain behaviors are  repugnant  they are in a state of confusion. Young girls are also effected negatively by this culture of sexual objectification. Body image and mental health issues become more prevalent in young women. Boys are given a distorted message about how women should be treated. What emerges is a sense of entitlement to women's bodies. That sense of privilege and entitlement produces a cycle of violence and abuse.

Part of this involves changing male attitudes and behavior in regards to women as a whole. There are men who think they have a right to treat women however they wish with limited consequences. As long as punishment comes when egregious behavior occurs this can effectively neutralize such individuals. Implementation of  sexual harassment policies and enforcement should be the first step to a wider goal of societal transformation. Although women have made significant progress in certain part of the world, their still is a low opinion of them. The West claims to be so advanced in women's rights, but in many regards it clings to the traditional convictions of misogyny. Women have become a significant part of the workforce, but there are a section of men who believe that they do not belong in particular fields. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics women face both sexist prejudice and sexual harassment. Other fields are having similar problems. The increase in sexual violence and misconduct may be a way of bullying women who enter spaces thought to be a male only domain. As more men fall out of the workforce and face longer unemployment periods this only exacerbates more animosity directed at women. There is a growing backlash against women's rise to positions of power and it has projected itself in direct violence.For too long there has been a culture of victim blaming, while supporting the perpetrators of criminal acts. It seems that now the situation is different, but the male attitudes must change in regards to women. Institutional sexism flourishes when men do not view women as human beings worthy of respect or equal rights.
         Third wave feminism has inevitably become a part of the #Me Too movement. Some observers even believe that this is the emergence of  a fourth wave of feminism. A proclamation such as that is premature. It seems that a section of  third wave feminists have made attempts to co-opt a nebulous movement to advance their own goals. While one should not object to solidarity of other movements with similar objectives, third wave feminists do not have the purest intentions. Sexual violence and assault are problems they have fought against, their messages are often contradictory or hypocritical. While claiming they are against sexual violence, they ignore the sexual violence directed at men and children. To them women are the only victims of sexual violence. The prevalence of sexual abuse in prisons or children in the Catholic Church are disturbing developments that third wave feminists hardly mention. However, this does not stop a certain concept from being propagated known as "teach boys not to rape." The reasoning behind this notion is flawed. It assumes that males are just all sexual predators. Highly violent and aggressive individuals will not stop such behavior with mere education related to personal conduct . Presenting all men as predators and women as victims does more harm than good. Reasoning like this ignores the fact that women can also be capable of sex crimes. Framing sexual violence as a female only problem trivializes the full extent of this dire problem. Children could face molestation or men can also be victims of sexual assault. It is more troubling the most vulnerable group in society such as children face such violence. Third wave feminists rarely condemn the systematic custodial rape in prisons or the rape in the US military.

There also is another ideological conundrum that has not been discussed. The question of sex positive feminism poses a number of debates. The questions relate to sexuality and it relation to women's liberation. For a longtime women's sexuality and sexual expression was controlled. Women were not meant to enjoy sex or pleasure in the traditional cultural context. Women who did embrace sexual expression were seen as wild or promiscuous. Epithets such as slut or whore were terms used for women who embraced having many partners or relationships. These misogynist convictions were challenged with the sexual revolution. New ideas about gender roles, contraception, and human sexuality contributed to women's liberation. Sex positive feminists argue that women's sexual freedom is an essential part of liberation. The #Me Too movement may begin to absorb concepts of the anti-pornography feminists. Sexualization  of women has been a representation of a wider sexist culture, but prohibiting pornography or stifling sexual expression will not be  a rational solution. This also would have to dismantle free speech if such a prohibition of  pornography were to occur. The main argument is that the root of such violence has to do with rape culture. The abuse of women is more complex than just sexualization. It extends to legal, political, and social inequalities imposing a secondary status. Third wave feminism has been struggling to maintain relevance and resorts to either spectacle or co-opting other movements and causes. Slut walks become more ludicrous distraction rather than increasing awareness about women who are victims of sexual assault. The #Me Too movement could gradually become another platform for solely feminist agendas. The #Me Too movement should  have the main objective of stopping criminal actions and prevent further sexual violence, not promoting third wave feminist programs. Solidarity can be useful in various causes, yet produces more complications. A faction of  third wave feminists put emphasis on the promotion of gender antagonism, which would alienate a number of men who want to contribute to the #Me Too movement. Some feminists have become so outrageous in their conduct that many women could not even want to use the label, even if they are strong supporters of women's rights. If # Me Too wants to be successful it must adequately address the contradictions of  third wave feminism or a new wave that emerges from the movement.
        Male behavior must change, but there has to be an effort to alter female behavior. This is not commonly discussed and has an element of controversy. The lugubrious reality is that many women are attracted to men with power and status. Men with such power are more likely to be abusive to women, realizing they will not be reprimanded. Women are willing to tolerate such abuse as long as such a man has high status. Men with money and authority attract more women even if they are of low ethical character. If women are attracted to power this only increases the chances of being trapped in an abusive relationship or experiencing sexual violence.

There is a sociological explanation for such a phenomenon. Women maybe pressured in Western society to marry men of higher socioeconomic status as a demonstration of their own personal worth. Women who achieve high status rarely associate with or have romantic involvement with men of lower status. They seek men who are of higher net worth and power.  Men who are lower status who engage in sexual violence or abuse are more likely to be punished compare to men of power and privilege. President Donald Trump has been accused of multiple sexual misconduct incidents, but it is unlikely that he will be charged for such crimes. Feminists have borrowed a term from sociology known as toxic masculinity. This concept states that men are forced to adhere to strict gender roles related to masculinity in which men should seek to be dominant. It encourages the abuse or objectification of women, while vituperating anything feminine. There is an extreme homophobia based around it. The problem with this concept is that it confuses machismo with masculinity or a stereotypical version of it. Machismo is the real culprit in the abuse culture directed at women. Third wave feminists do not recognize that using this term demonizes masculinity or men in general. If such a term toxic femininity were to be used there would be accusations of misogyny. Many observers and feminists fail to see that women gravitate to men who exhibit the very toxic masculinity that they condemn. 

To a degree doing this enables women to experience abuse and sexual violence. It is a vicious cycle that based around biology and sociological conditions. The reason why women would be attracted to such men would be based in the notion they would be better protectors of their off spring. Sex selection does play a role in human behavior, just like other animals. A society that values wealth and power in various forms also determines what type of decisions people make in regards to various relations with other people. Women are willing to tolerate abuse or maltreatment as long as they have a stable amount or resources. The feeling of being provided for provides comfort, but also stifles full independence.Such behavior also hinders efforts at combating domestic violence. The difficulty for women trying to divorce or separate is financial and housing concerns. If a woman has chosen to fulfill a domestic role,  financial stability would be more of a struggle. Then there is a psychological element that stops women from leaving an abusive relationship. Notions such as they do not deserve better or strict adherence to gender roles create a condition known as battered wives syndrome. A good woman is one that does not stand up for herself  and obeys male authority. These dated concepts have cause immense harm to women. Chivalry also creates a distorted view of  gender relations. Men were once presented by the protectors of women, but the reality was that men can be the major threat to women's physical security. Women should discard the idea that men are their protectors. An overly trusting behavior could lead to perilous situations. Chivalry was used as a justification to prevent women's freedom and independence. Certain jobs or activities were too dangerous for women to do.The male protector myth has to be discarded to rid women of the idea that most men can be trustworthy. Rational judgement and awareness of one's environment can allow for better protection of women. Women should not expect men to defend them; they need to learn to defend themselves. Too often women gravitate to a man who is physically or emotionally abusive, a deceptive ladies man, or a longtime manipulator of females in a fragile psychological state. Female predilection to such violent men has been taught an an early age. Girls are raised to be submissive or lack assertiveness. This must change,because one must assert themselves to survive in a world that is both erratic and  in constant tumult. The # Me Too movement must address the obstacle of female behavior, which could enable more crimes and incidents. 
           While women globally face numerous forms of sex discrimination and misogyny, it should be known that women of the West are in a better position. The # Me Too movement does not comprehend that in other areas of the world women are struggling for basic survival. The movement could be more powerful if it took an international focus. Instead, it is directed by white upper class women of the West. They focus on themselves and ignore other women of color who reside in the West. There is a tendency to see themselves as the only victims, which demonstrates their hidden race and class bias. The women of Africa, Asia, and Latin America lack physical security compared to women of the West. 

One goal of the #Me Too movement is the desire for women to have safe spaces in society. However, considering a large portion of their leaders are in countries that wage war on the Global South nations this is just contradictory. War ultimately harms women and children more than any other group. War zones are areas of intense sexual violence. Women have been victimized in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, and the war against Boko Harem in Nigeria. The Rohyinga have been victims of sexual assault during Myanmar's campaign to displace the ethnic group. Countries that are not in state of war still experience violence directed at women. India has become a perilous place to be a woman with rape and communal violence. South Africa has not adequately addressed the widespread gender based violence. China's treatment of women needs drastic improvement. The one child policy favored boys over girls, which has created a sex imbalance. Chinese men may not have enough women in their nation because of this policy designed to control population. The policy has been reversed, but the damage has been done. Chinese girls were either victims of forced abortions or infanticide. When having this knowledge of geography and history it would seem that women in the West have little to complain about. Other conditions are worse when examining other parts of the world. Many women  are denied basic education, which accounts for lower literacy rates in Global South nations. This also effects their employment, due to the fact education can improve economic prospects to a degree. Skills and knowledge can provide extensive career opportunities. Women are also put at a disadvantage if they are either in an arranged marriage or a child bride. The practice of child marriage continues in such countries as Yemen, Niger, the African Central Republic, South Sudan, Bangladesh, and many allow girls to get married who are below the age of eighteen. Girls are married to adult men who are far older and live in a state of binding servitude. Arranged marriage essentially takes freedom from women negating their personal choice. The practice normally has an association with dowry. 

Women also face a horrible form of abuse known as female genital mutilation. This involves the removal of the external female genital anatomical structure. Doing this cause a number of health risks and permanent damage to the body. Women who do survive will never get to experience sexual pleasure, due to their bodies being deliberately destroyed. This practice of ritual cutting occurs mostly in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.  When such grim realities are exposed it seems that # Me Too advocates have an easier time getting their objectives achieved. This is the era of wallowing in victimhood, which seems to be a quintessential American phenomenon. The irony is that people who claim to be victims are not targets of vicious discrimination. The white  upper class women  of the United States rarely experience discrimination, racism,  sexism, and prejudice  to the same degree as African American, Asian, or Latino in America. White skin privilege works in their favor. Their real issue is that their sex only creates some limitations for them in society. There is an illusion of sisterhood that feminists preach of that never existed. Intersectional feminism attempts to rectify such biases and exclusion, but to no avail. The argument present by # Me Too then gets reduced to a frivolous  First World  problem. Third wave feminism has the ability to take over the discourse and manipulate such a movement to its own agenda, but there is also the issue of other factions doing the same. There has been a popularization of victim feminism, which is far from empowering. Victim feminism sees women as helpless and men as violent offenders. Learned weakness will not stop sexual harassment or sex crimes. The view of victim feminists is that women need extra legal, social, and political protection while simultaneously putting emphasis on the punishment of men. Anyone who criticizes them are either victim blaming or anti-woman. If women are to see their situation improve they must gain power and show agency. This means taking responsibility for female behaviors that could enable abuse and confronting perpetrators of rape as well as sexual assault. The women of the West have more resources at their disposal to make lasting global change. Solidity and collaboration with other women's groups worldwide could dismantle the system of violence and oppression in which women live. 
            Hashtag and other internet based movements have limitations. Social justice movements have become a trivialized trend, which could easily be forgotten. If a movement wants to be genuine, participants must reach a level of political consciousness. Sporadic online social media campaigns cannot achieve the same effect. Unconventional participation is a tool to fighting a power structure, not the goal itself. Solidarity is critical, yet one should be selective in their alliance systems. Allies could abandon or become enemies when objectives follow different pathways. The problem with social media platform movements is that anyone can seem like they support such a movement. Users merely clicking likes on a related post does not expose how change is progressing. Social media may do nothing more than make arm chair activists seem like they accomplished something. The Women's March was a classic case of sudden action without a specific plan. The first demonstration in 2017 saw enormous numbers protesting the Trump administration, but did not have a coherent message. The majority of the turnout could have been voters disappointed with Hillary Clinton's loss and people vexed with Donald Trump's antics. Organizers and protesters seemed to ignore that there were women who voted for Donald Trump. Social media can be credited for being a great medium for organizing, but it is not the best way to build ideology or political consciousness. The following year the crowd was smaller in Washington D.C. demonstrating how momentum can be lost in a growing movement. 

Social media can be used for positive change. Yet, this depends on how it is used. There is an ever growing cyberbullying culture that extends to a system of backlash. Twitter and Facebook become battlegrounds of rude comments and more divisions. So much time can be wasted responding to vituperation, that hashtag movements become more spectacle. Social media should just be a means of organization,not the basis of an entire mass movement. The technology is relatively new and people are still learning how to use it appropriately. Being cautious about what is written and posted has become a pivotal  part of using the medium. Comments made years ago could comeback and be used against individuals. Social media almost creates an inquisition like atmosphere on the internet. People who criticize # Me Too may be attacked by users who support it. Supporters who are active in # Me Too may find themselves being attacked by a number of far-right extremist users. Seeing as people can be anonymous online, they are free to project all their hatreds and prejudices without censure. Overtime, if social justice movements want to have immense impacts they will have to develop better social media strategies. Hashtag movements have become sudden trends that captivate the attention of the public only temporarily. Then it will be another cause or campaign that will take its place. The corporate class and entities are quick to recognize this and utilize it to their advantage. While some companies are guilty of sexual harassment and sex discrimination they have figured out a way to improve their image by acting as if they support #Me Too. Hashtag movements are gradually becoming an effective public relations and advertising campaign for corporations. People can be easily manipulated seeing as they do not question the media they are consuming. Once people stop consuming a product, it loses relevance. The # Me Too movement could simply become an obscure relic of the past in a number of years. 
         The # Me Too movement has exposed a level of sexism and misogyny many thought was eliminated in particular areas of society. The lugubrious condition seen in the workplace, home, and wider world is that women are still treated terribly. Women's treatment obviously varies depending on the geographic location, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and class. The # Me Too movement does exclude other victims of sexual abuse and crime. This is not a woman's issue; it's a serious societal disorder. This may have enormous consequences on the general state of gender relations and sex politics.It is simple to identify inappropriate conduct, yet there could be problems in areas that are not so lucid. What could have been fine a few years ago may be considered harassment. A hug could be a violation of personal body space. A joke could be mistaken for a sexist remark. Interpersonal relationships may be more difficult between the sexes in the # Me Too era. A Western culture that is sex obsessed, while simultaneously sending mixed messages just further confuses young people more about proper codes of conduct. The conviction that women should only be valued for their appearance or what their sexual value is has created the conditions for harassment. What defines masculinity and manhood itself contributes to the system of sexual assault. The notion that masculinity is measured by the number of women a man has sexual conquest with or controls enables abuse. A drastic and radical change must happen in male and female behavior. Having solutions to sexual harassment and assault is a constructive and effective path. Stronger policies focusing on creating safe workplaces and a change in cultural views in regards to women are the first steps. What would be counterproductive is having the # Me Too movement descend into a witch hunt directed at all men. The negative repercussion about the increase in reporting of sexual harassment is that the accused is often believed to be guilty, even though there is no evidence. Allegations do not automatically mean the accused committed the crime. Although they are rare, false rape accusations have happened. Women who have experienced such harassment or attack must come forward , rather than waiting years. That statute of limitations  can work in favor of a criminal, if such events are not reported to police. Some advocates may even want to abolish the statue of  limitations as a way to protect women. Doing this would only make everyone vulnerable in a criminal justice system and possibly interfere with due process. The only way for # Me Too to be successful is to focus on forming a coherent ideology and message. Constructive actions, rather than demonizing all men would allow for more sympathy and unity among supporters and advocates. If done in the correct manner # Me Too could be a momentous catalyst for the improvement of women's status internationally.                 

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