Monday, November 3, 2014

US Midterm Elections will Not Improve the Country

The United States will once again, conduct midterm elections. Congressmen and senators will attempt to gain votes to either remain in power or get elected to office. The lugubrious truth is the citizen does not have a choice. Most of our candidates are selected by powerful interest groups,corporations, and wealthy individuals. US politics are designed for the ruling elite to impose their will upon most of the population. Americans who are so easily influenced by media, actually believe they live in a real democracy. It cannot even qualify as a representative republic anymore. Only one class is represented in this land: the white supremacist corporate business class. Gradually, they will destroy the country and freedom itself. Elections are not a measure of a functional free society. 
          Myanmar is one example in which the presence of elections make no difference. The military which relinquish power in 2010 holds an abnormal amount of power over the government. Thein Sien who was a military officer became president. Even though there are elections and the Junta is out of power the same authoritarian structure remains. There still is a system of racial oppression and human rights violations. However, this does not stop western countries from having formal diplomatic relations with Myanmar. Elections have done nothing to stop the mass violence directed at  the Rohingya, Karen, and Shan peoples. 
          Uzbekistan provides another interesting case. Electoral fraud is present in most countries, but worse in others. Islam Karimov has been president of Uzbekistan since 1991. Since then he has "won" every election. Here people are not presented with the illusion of choice;the choice is already made for them . The country was once a Soviet Republic, yet even after its independence the same oppressive political structures remain. It is unlikely that Karimov will fall from power without opposition to challenge him. 
           Although the United States may not be as extreme as other countries, the level of hypocrisy is nauseating. The claim that your senator of congressmen is "fighting for you" is another empty slogan with no meaning. They govern on the behalf  of business rather than their constituents. John McCain (R)  Senator from Arizona has been backed by JP Morgan Chase,  Merrill Lynch, and Lehman brothers throughout his political career. Christopher Dodd (D) was formally a Senator from Connecticut who had the full support of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. While most Americans were suffering from the global financial crisis , senator Dodd was defending these companies even though they were guilty of questionable business practices. Both the Republican and Democratic Party have been corrupted so much that it makes little difference who occupies office. Both parties still support military intervention, preservation of neoliberal capitalism , and American exceptionalism.
        The election cycle of this country demonstrates America's many maladies. Avarice, corruption, and all ethnic hatreds reveal themselves in America's political culture. Voting may be a good defense against more power hungry and violent individuals seeking office. Unfortunately, voters may make the wrong choice. The American political system has become rotten and if this country is to saved the status quo must be overturned. 

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