Monday, August 26, 2024

The Emergence of Mpox


The World Health Organization has declared mpox a health emergency. This is not a pandemic. The cases seem to be mostly in African countries. Mpox does cause concern considering the world just came out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public health policy was not improved and the globe cannot handle another crisis of that magnitude. The difference with mpox is that a vaccine exists. When COVID-19 appeared there was not a vaccine for it. Mpox is classified as orthopoxvirus. The means of transmission is by animals making it zoonosis based. Monkeys and rodents are thought to be the carriers. Mpox can be spread through bodily fluids. Mpox has various symptoms. Rashes, fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, muscle aches, and respiratory difficulties are common symptoms. The outbreak was first detected in 2022. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is now fighting an epidemic. Concern could be premature. Mpox is a rare virus and would not reach the same level of the 2020 pandemic. Mpox is not a s lethal. Mpox can be fatal if  medical treatment is not given. Infections from mpox can spread throughout the body. Africa has managed an Ebola virus outbreak in 2014 and a Marburg virus epidemic in 2005. Mpox can be contained with proper public health measures. 

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