Monday, August 5, 2024

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Has Fled Bangladesh


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has fled Bangladesh. Reports have suggested she has taken refuge in India. Demonstrations spread throughout Bangladesh due to the quota on government jobs. This became very contentious when positions were going to be reserved for relatives of veterans of the independence war. The quota seems to be for the younger generation, who never fought in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. A growing concern about nepotism and corruption was becoming part of the political discourse. Students are becoming the focal point of the protests. When they graduate, the expectation is they can compete for public sector jobs. Relatives of veterans are going to get an unfair advantage. The Supreme Court still supported the 5% government job reservation for the privileged. Even though they rejected the proposed increase their neutrality is being questioned. Prime Minister Sheik Hasina responded with crackdowns by law enforcement. The growing accusation is that the quota system was a means of rewarding those loyal to the Awami League. Bangladesh has seen economic growth, but this did not result in higher employment or  living standards. Students are particularly frustrated, because after attaining higher education employment is no present. Prime Minister Hasina did not address economic needs of the population. Imposing a curfew during protests caused her downfall. Instability in Bangladesh goes beyond its borders. India sees Bangladesh as an important ally.  Military coups over the years make Bangladesh's parliamentary system fragile. Coups occurred in 1975, 1981, 2007, 2009, and 2012. The recent coup is different. Refugees from Myanmar, instability in Pakistan, and the Taliban government in Afghanistan are going to be factors in Bangladesh. The military claims an interim government will be formed. The assertion was that Prime Minister Hasina resigned, but appears that she was forced from power. The protests are continuing despite her removal.    

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