Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Plea Deal


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has agreed to a plea deal. This was a person thought to be one of the masterminds behind the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The trial of Mohammed and his accomplices will not take place. If the plea deal remains in place they would remain in prison for life. The strange turn of events leaves some to ponder the reason for this choice. Either there was not enough evidence showing Mohammed masterminded the attacks or his connections could cause political tension with Middle Eastern countries. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Qatar could have connections to various terrorist organizations. Having Khalid Sheikh Mohammed speak could result in congressional hearings about US interference in both West and South Asia. It has been reported that the prisoners have been tortured. Both Walid bin Attash and Mustafa al-Hawasi  were allegedly tortured on black sites ran by the CIA. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed also was subject to this. The legal complication is if confessions were legitimate or forced due to constant violence. Forced confessions are not permissible as evidence of criminal activity. If these prisoners are guilty convicting them should not be difficult. The case is unlikely to be appealed. Some want to know the truth and how far the criminal conspiracy went. The case is still ongoing. The events related to the plea deal only show the fallacy of the War on Terror. The notion of a large network operating globally was a myth. The Bush administration used this idea of a massive terrorist organization to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Blowback from destabilizing regions and  regime change only created more violence. Whatever Khalid Sheikh Mohammed knows, it will parish with him.  

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