Monday, August 19, 2024

Phil Donahue Discusses Why His MSNBC Program Was Cancelled


Phil Donahue (1935-2024)  returned to television in 2002. This time he was not hosting a talk show, but a cable news program. The show was cancelled in 2003. The reason for the cancellation was due to that fact it was the few cable news shows voicing opposition to the Iraq War. Corporate media does not care about reporting the truth or quality journalism. At times 24 hour cable news is nothing more than propaganda for the two major political parties. MSNBC has become more uniform in thought and opinions. To a degree it is a type of censorship, but done indirectly. Asking questions or having another perspective should not be seen as unpatriotic. Their is a fear of anti-war voices reaching the American public. MSNBC claimed Donahue was cancelled due to low ratings. However, it was cancelled in February in 2003, just before the invasion in March. The cable news networks were all pushing for war and having opposing views was not acceptable. What happen to Phil Donahue was a harbinger to would happen on social platforms. Corporate media manipulates public opinion for the benefit of the ruling and political elite of the United States. The firing of Phil Donahue is a reminder of why independent media needs to grow.  

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