Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Rise of Paetongtarn Shinawatra


The Shinawatra dynasty appears to be resilient. Thailand has made Paetongtarn Shinawatra. Coups have not stopped the family from having political influence. Much of their power resides with the royal elites. Some question the new prime minister's credentials.  Paetongtarn Shinawatra background is mostly in business, not government. The change in government means a shift in foreign policy. What this means for neighbors such as Myanmar and Laos is unknown. Thailand has since 2014 seen political instability and corruption. Both Yinluck and Thaksin Shinawatra were deposed by coups. There is the fear that Paetongtarn could have a similar fate. Her promise to boost economic growth may make some Thai citizens optimistic. However, such promises have been made before. The return of the Shinwatras demonstrate the decline into an illiberal state. The alliance with conservatives and royal elites undermines the democratic system. Coups and a corrupt Thai Constitutional Court prevent anyone from making needed changes to the political system. The military and judiciary need reforms. The royalty  has an abnormal amount of influence, which should not be in a constitutional monarchy. Paetongtarn Shinawatra might be a puppet to the conservative and royal political factions. The youth are growing more frustrated with the lack of substantive change. Paetongtarn Shinawatra could face both public discord and internal confrontation in government.     

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Emergence of Mpox


The World Health Organization has declared mpox a health emergency. This is not a pandemic. The cases seem to be mostly in African countries. Mpox does cause concern considering the world just came out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public health policy was not improved and the globe cannot handle another crisis of that magnitude. The difference with mpox is that a vaccine exists. When COVID-19 appeared there was not a vaccine for it. Mpox is classified as orthopoxvirus. The means of transmission is by animals making it zoonosis based. Monkeys and rodents are thought to be the carriers. Mpox can be spread through bodily fluids. Mpox has various symptoms. Rashes, fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, muscle aches, and respiratory difficulties are common symptoms. The outbreak was first detected in 2022. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is now fighting an epidemic. Concern could be premature. Mpox is a rare virus and would not reach the same level of the 2020 pandemic. Mpox is not a s lethal. Mpox can be fatal if  medical treatment is not given. Infections from mpox can spread throughout the body. Africa has managed an Ebola virus outbreak in 2014 and a Marburg virus epidemic in 2005. Mpox can be contained with proper public health measures. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard Is Providing Assistance To The Trump Campaign


Tulsi Gabbard is now assisting the Trump campaign. She is involved in Donald Trump's debate preparation. The significance of this is the phenomenon of former Democrats defecting to Trump's base. Tulsi Gabbard left the Democratic Party and was seeking the presidency in 2020. At one of the debates in 2020 Tusli had a contentious debate with Kamala Harris over her role in the criminal justice system. This might explain why Tulsi Gabbard decided to provide her services to the Trump campaign. Gabbard's other motivation could be related to being put on the terrorist watch list with the TSA. While not confirmed, this could have a political motivation. The theory is challenged by the fact that Tulsi Gabbard endorsed President Biden in 2020. The shift away from the Democratic Party demonstrates a growing frustration with the leadership. Voters are not seeing results and have become  disillusioned. Tulsi Gabbard's transformation is not different from what regular voters are going through. The Democratic Party has to change its strategy to stop defections. The political centrists and corporate democrats are causing many voters to either switch affiliation or not participate. Supporters of Gabbard might become Trump supporters due to her involvement.      

Monday, August 19, 2024

Phil Donahue Discusses Why His MSNBC Program Was Cancelled


Phil Donahue (1935-2024)  returned to television in 2002. This time he was not hosting a talk show, but a cable news program. The show was cancelled in 2003. The reason for the cancellation was due to that fact it was the few cable news shows voicing opposition to the Iraq War. Corporate media does not care about reporting the truth or quality journalism. At times 24 hour cable news is nothing more than propaganda for the two major political parties. MSNBC has become more uniform in thought and opinions. To a degree it is a type of censorship, but done indirectly. Asking questions or having another perspective should not be seen as unpatriotic. Their is a fear of anti-war voices reaching the American public. MSNBC claimed Donahue was cancelled due to low ratings. However, it was cancelled in February in 2003, just before the invasion in March. The cable news networks were all pushing for war and having opposing views was not acceptable. What happen to Phil Donahue was a harbinger to would happen on social platforms. Corporate media manipulates public opinion for the benefit of the ruling and political elite of the United States. The firing of Phil Donahue is a reminder of why independent media needs to grow.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Plea Deal


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has agreed to a plea deal. This was a person thought to be one of the masterminds behind the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The trial of Mohammed and his accomplices will not take place. If the plea deal remains in place they would remain in prison for life. The strange turn of events leaves some to ponder the reason for this choice. Either there was not enough evidence showing Mohammed masterminded the attacks or his connections could cause political tension with Middle Eastern countries. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Qatar could have connections to various terrorist organizations. Having Khalid Sheikh Mohammed speak could result in congressional hearings about US interference in both West and South Asia. It has been reported that the prisoners have been tortured. Both Walid bin Attash and Mustafa al-Hawasi  were allegedly tortured on black sites ran by the CIA. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed also was subject to this. The legal complication is if confessions were legitimate or forced due to constant violence. Forced confessions are not permissible as evidence of criminal activity. If these prisoners are guilty convicting them should not be difficult. The case is unlikely to be appealed. Some want to know the truth and how far the criminal conspiracy went. The case is still ongoing. The events related to the plea deal only show the fallacy of the War on Terror. The notion of a large network operating globally was a myth. The Bush administration used this idea of a massive terrorist organization to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Blowback from destabilizing regions and  regime change only created more violence. Whatever Khalid Sheikh Mohammed knows, it will parish with him.  

Friday, August 9, 2024

The UK Race Riots


The UK erupted in racist violence. The European press refers to the incidents as riots, but fail to mention what type. Race riots are cases in which  mass violence is directed at certain race. Homes and business are destroyed by the criminals to decimate a community. Migration and economic downturn have given ammunition to far-right groups. The English Defense League has become prominent in the xenophobic nativist nationalism movement. These are not simply riots rather that have an anti-black, anti-Asian, and Islamophobic aspect. The race riots happened in areas of mostly white and working class areas. Economics can be a explanation. Immigrants are scapegoated for taking jobs. The inability to handle immigration has caused frustration. Foreign policy has resulted in a large number of refugees from war zones. The legacy of colonialism from the British Empire has played a role. Immigrants from India, Pakistan, Ghana, and Jamacia came to the UK when the British Empire dissolved. The UK never became an integrated society. Instead a myth was created of a multicultural society with liberal democratic values . This masked the de facto segregation which persists in the United Kingdom. Being part of the EU brought over more skilled workers from other countries, but did not benefit the majority of the population. Brexit was a way of trying to assert economic independence, yet that just might not be possible in a world of globalization. Nothing was learned from the riots in 2011. Anti-racist demonstrators are making attempts to stop the violence. This is not effective as long as law enforcement is on the side of the political establishment. Law enforcement is also more likely to sympathize with far-right convictions. There are attempts to place the blame on social media and disinformation coming from various platforms. The BBC and other television networks can be just as culpable for spreading disinformation and hate. The race riots have been going on since July 30th and the government appears to be losing control. As economic and geopolitical conditions get worse, the far-right will get more powerful. France or Germany could experience race riots similar to the UK.   

Monday, August 5, 2024

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Has Fled Bangladesh


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has fled Bangladesh. Reports have suggested she has taken refuge in India. Demonstrations spread throughout Bangladesh due to the quota on government jobs. This became very contentious when positions were going to be reserved for relatives of veterans of the independence war. The quota seems to be for the younger generation, who never fought in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. A growing concern about nepotism and corruption was becoming part of the political discourse. Students are becoming the focal point of the protests. When they graduate, the expectation is they can compete for public sector jobs. Relatives of veterans are going to get an unfair advantage. The Supreme Court still supported the 5% government job reservation for the privileged. Even though they rejected the proposed increase their neutrality is being questioned. Prime Minister Sheik Hasina responded with crackdowns by law enforcement. The growing accusation is that the quota system was a means of rewarding those loyal to the Awami League. Bangladesh has seen economic growth, but this did not result in higher employment or  living standards. Students are particularly frustrated, because after attaining higher education employment is no present. Prime Minister Hasina did not address economic needs of the population. Imposing a curfew during protests caused her downfall. Instability in Bangladesh goes beyond its borders. India sees Bangladesh as an important ally.  Military coups over the years make Bangladesh's parliamentary system fragile. Coups occurred in 1975, 1981, 2007, 2009, and 2012. The recent coup is different. Refugees from Myanmar, instability in Pakistan, and the Taliban government in Afghanistan are going to be factors in Bangladesh. The military claims an interim government will be formed. The assertion was that Prime Minister Hasina resigned, but appears that she was forced from power. The protests are continuing despite her removal.    

Friday, August 2, 2024

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Gets 51% of The Vote


The National Electoral Council stated that President Nicolas Maduro won 51 % of the vote. The NEC also revealed that Edmundo Gonzalez got 44%. The opposition has made the claim of electoral fraud, but has not produced evidence. The Maduro administration has faced external inference and internal discord. Much of the internal dispute comes from right-wing political factions. President Nicolas Maduro's administration has presided over a struggling economy. The reason is sanctions imposed by other countries. Venezuela has some of the largest oil reserves in the world. This makes the country a target of larger powers. Nicolas Maduro wants to continue the revolutionary Bolivarianism of Hugo Chavez. The challenge is he lacks the charisma and skill of the former president. What works in his favor is survival. President Maduro has been able to avoid being victim of regime change or internal intrigue. The administration has been in power 11 years. The reason Venezuela survives is because it allies itself with other leftist governments. Nicaragua and Cuba are two countries that are essential to Venezuela's regional diplomatic ties. Brazil and Colombia are also going to become more important to Venezuela overtime. The best chance of fighting sanctions is expanding connections with African and Asian nations. Turbulence in the Middle East could elevate the importance Venezuelan oil. The US might have to normalize relations and lift sanctions to get access to it. President Nicolas Maduro still has to navigate regional hostility, threats from the EU, and right-wing plots.