Saturday, June 22, 2024

Nelson Mandela Speaks of Tolerance (2006)


Nelson Mandela gave a PSA message that was broadcast on CBS. The subject of the short PSA was discussing tolerance. No one is born as Mandela stated hating other based on their race, religion, or background. Hatred is learned, but tolerance can be taught as Mandela expressed. Humanity can have the capcity to love and do right Mandela asserted. The former president and freedom fighter dedicated his life to fighting the Apartheid regime in South Africa. Two years after this message South Africa had an outbreak of xenophobic violence in 2008. South Africa continues to grapple with racism and inequality. The Boer ownership of farms continues to represent the long legacy of colonial oppression. South Africa has not become the rainbow nation that Nelson Mandela envisioned. A new way of  political thought needs to be promoted that encourages Pan-African ideas. There needs to be more than just tolerance; there must be acceptance of various groups. It will take time for South Africa to reach a point of tolerance. 

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