Saturday, June 8, 2024

India's Heatwave


India is experiencing an extreme heatwave. This follows a pattern that has been observed by climate scientists. The heatwave become even more precarious with water shortages. The heatwave can be explained by climate change and India's growing urbanization. The human environment interaction in cities contributes to an increase in temperatures. India needs a level of industry and urbanization to become a developed nation. The need to regulate industries and to have fossil fuel free alternatives must be put into motion. heatwaves pose a serious threat to public health and a danger to workers. Pakistan is also having challenges with the 2024 heatwave. If the climate models are correct, India's temperature will continue to increase. Efforts must be made to reduce emissions. The desire to develop the country should not come at the expense of the environment or the Indian citizen. At some point, no amount of environmental policy or regulation can reverse rapid climate change. The population is not only effected, but also India's wildlife. Certain animals might not be able to survive under such temperatures. That will result in changes in the ecosystem, which will directly impact farmers. With high temperatures comes the risk of forest fires. Jammu and Kashmir are experiencing forest fires. Heatwaves and water shortages could in the future determine how India votes. Indians are being harmed by the heatwaves, with deaths being reported in the last five days.  

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