Thursday, June 20, 2024

Ibrahim Traore Praises The Russian Federation (2023)


Ibrahim Traore praised the Russian Federation. in 2023. During a speech at the Russia-Africa Summit he recognized that Russia and Burkina Faso have a common struggle. The West continues to promote neocolonialism in various parts of the world. Russia found itself in the same situation with NATO expansion during the 2000s. Russians and Africans gave their lives to stop fascism in Europe during World War II. After the war, the Soviet Union provided aid to national liberation movements. This was helpful in the fight against white minority ruled regimes in Southern Africa. Traore mentions this history of collaboration, which explains why more African countries have a more favorable view of Russia. Burkina Faso at one time had a revolutionary socialist leader Thomas Sankara. Ibrahim Traore almost seems like a 2020s version of  the former leader of Burkina Faso. Traore's laudation of the Russian Federation makes sense when viewed in a wider historical context. Burkina Faso and Russia are being brought closer together due to the poor diplomatic relations with France. 

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