Monday, May 23, 2016

Donald Trump, American Politics, and the Real Nature of White America

Donald Trump is now the Republican presumptive nominee. His rise is now too large to ignore and it is causing concern even among foreign leaders. Trump's abrasive and condescending tone has targeted many groups that have been marginalized by American society. Political scientists and media commentators are having difficulty comprehending his rapid popularity. To other observers of race relations it is more obvious. Donald Trump is popular among whites mainly because of his anti-black, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, anti-Hispanic,  anti- Chinese and general anti-immigrant rhetoric. The other policies or lack of them matter little to followers. This should not be shocking. White America is by nature exclusionary. It can no longer be argued that this is a small minority of whites. American politics has never reached a general consensus and the rise of Donald Trump is another chapter. Not all Republicans favor Trump for a number of reasons. Their efforts are futile, because the electorate has been energized. This Trump sensation has the ability to bring new voters into the Republican Party. This movement is motivated by hatred, fear, but also the desire of white Americans to segregate  non-white groups from society or possibly remove them from the country. The alternative to Trump Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders are not equipped to deal with America's growing racial and economic problems. The political system is on the verge of being broken from social issues, war, and economic turmoil. When examining the history of the United States, Donald Trump's rise in politics is not surprising. 
          American politics has functioned on division since its founding. Political factionalism was present since its establishment in 1776. It was a conflict between state government and federal government and the roles they would play. This political issue was complicated further by slave owners and abolitionists who were in conflict over the institution. The nation was contradictory espousing freedom and political rights, while denying African Americans liberty. The Civil War brought the planter class, the northern industrialists, African Americans seeking freedom, and abolitionists into a devastating confrontation. Ever since the end of that war, the North and the South have never been in a general political consensus. The expansion of US territory added another dimension. Many former slave owning planters went west stealing land from Native Americans. Racist hatred would be a large motivator for whites going to the ballot box. The modern two party system emerged  with the Republican and Democratic Party becoming prominent. The Democratic Party went through shift during the 1960s. The Civil Rights Movement caused many pro-segregation Democrats to change their allegiance to the Republican Party. Barry Goldwater capitalized on the resentment of the Civil Rights Movement by getting more Democrats to vote for him as a Republican candidate in 1964. He lost, but this new group that was developed would return in full force in 1968. Richard M. Nixon took Goldwater's method and expanded it, which became the southern strategy. Capturing white racists votes and the middle class grew his base to what was known as the silent majority. The country was rapidly changing in terms of race relations and sexual politics. The Republican Party utilized white America's hate and fear to gain power. The catastrophe of  the Vietnam  War and the Watergate scandal made the public turn against the Republican Party. President Jimmy Carter however, did not offer an alternative. He was a Democratic president that continued to support brutal regimes and dismantled detente. When the Iran hostage crisis occurred it gave Ronald Reagan the presidency. Ronald Reagan ushered in a neoconservative revolution, which changed the nature of US foreign policy. The United States would embark on military interventions, nation building, an arms race, and continue to promote itself as a global hegemon. The American public was becoming more divided on the role of government, abortion, war, race relations, and economics. During the Clinton and Bush administrations both parties became more irascible in terms of government affairs. Under President Obama it reach unsustainable levels. US leaders function best when people are either divided or marginalized in the political process. Division allows leaders to have various groups fight among one another while they amass power to themselves. Donald Trump appealing to the anger of tea party Republicans, when establishment figures were losing credibility. This fractious nature in political discourse is another cycle in America's long history of division and exclusion.
        Donald Trump has gained support from a section the public, because he is not by trade a politician. Donald Trump has never been a congressmen, senator, governor, or secretary for a governmental department. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have decades long records of experience, yet it seems enthusiasm for them is diminutive compared to Trump's following. The only experience he has is being manager and owner of his real estate empire. Donald Trump claims his net worth is close to four billion. There is also a more vicious reason that he has gained support. Donald Trump has no problem disparaging African Americans, Muslims, Mexicans, and women. His remarks are incendiary and have emboldened some to act violent. He claims that "political correctness" is stifling genuine conversations on serious issues and that he is only "being truthful." The blatant insults and attacks invigorate the extremist and racist sections of the population. They like that he is not using coded language and presents his thoughts in an unsophisticated manner. Trump's lack of professionalism in political atmospheres does not bother voters. To them he is truthful and genuine, even if the facts state otherwise. The core of his voting demographic is white men across the socioeconomic strata.The common stereotype is one of a rustic southern individual, but the Trump movement extends far beyond that. This includes a sizable portion of Republicans who were vexed that President Obama won two elections and the tea party Republicans. These two groups feel that the  party establishment failed them in some way. Many issues such as immigration, abortion, and America's wars are major focal points. Donald Trump realized that their were many people who would follow him simply out of resentment of the traditional Republican establishment. Scapegoating is his favorite tool. Immigration induces many emotions in the public and remains on the list of wedge issues. When he said "Mexico sends over rapists and murderers" that was what energized his presidential campaign. Donald Trump also is an entertainer and he knows how to use the media. When that comment was broadcasts anti-immigrant supports discovered a candidate that would fight on their behalf. Donald Trump has tapped into xenophobia that is a prominent characteristic of the US. China and Syrian refugees are other targets of Trump's campaign. He accuses China of "ripping America off" to gain the support of working class whites in manufacturing. Michigan and Wisconsin saw unemployment in the manufacturing sector due to outsourcing. Rather than examine the flaws of a neoliberal capitalist economic system, it is more simple to blame another country. Muslims and Syrian refugees are framed as possible terrorists. He initially proclaimed that "all Muslims should be banned from the country." Months later he altered his position saying "it was a suggestion." His argument is it needs to be done until it is understood what is going on. What is obvious here is Trump's attempt to pander to Islamophobia. Paranoia surrounding terrorism and a rising hate for Islam has given the Republican Party a new section of scared voters. Donald Trump is also trying to appeal to evangelicals by saying "women should be punished for abortions." This cover of religious argument is nothing more than a general anti-woman sentiment.Eradicating reproductive rights has been the best way to control women in a society. Donald Trump does not value women as important or essential and it shows in polls he has disapproval among women voters. This movement a combination of populist, far-right, nativist, racist, misogynistic,   and ultra-nationalist ideology forming is unique because it is appealing to a section of the mainstream. This demonstrates the harsh realities of the United States.
      White America has never been kind to its fellow African, Asian, and Latino Americans. The Native American population once dominated this land and found themselves victims of genocide upon contact with white settlers. The United States was built by the enslaved Africans, who were kidnapped from the West African Coast and interior. The non-white immigrants were never allowed to be part of the melting pot. The Chinese were subject to discrimination through the law. The Chinese exclusion Act of 1882 effectively prevented a group from entering the country. Donald Trump basically wants legislation like that to reemerge, except be directed at a religious group. The law was repealed in 1943, but real change did not come until the Immigration Act of 1965.  South Americans and particularly Mexicans have had nothing but negative experiences in the United States . The Mexican War was a major turning point in which America expanded and conquered territory. Mexicans that remained under US subjugation were subject to inhumane treatment. Texas was a state notorious for lynching Mexicans and suppressing their votes. The struggle of the African American people against slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, discrimination, and policy brutality still continues. Not a day goes by in which it has been reported that their was a shooting of an unarmed black American. What people of African descent have experienced in the US is by all accounts persecution by the state at the federal and local level. The way drug laws and policies are structured, they are designed to fuel a prison industrial complex. This has become a new form of slavery targeting African Americans. The abuse that non-whites have received from white America is enormous. The conclusions that can be drawn from this are obvious. White America is hateful, exclusionary, violent, but also arrogant. American exceptionalism has racialist overtones, exalting the US above the "lesser nations." The changing demographics also induce fear. The fear comes from the fact whites one day  will not be in control of this country or the world and that their former victims will seek revenge. These negative and spiteful attitudes are not held by a few, but a large portion of the white American population. Donald Trump understands who his primary base is. The angry white men who do not want to share the country with the growing Hispanic, Asian, and African American populations. The white liberals of the country either have a limited understanding of race relations or only discuss problems if it can get them votes. The liberal wing of the Democratic Party abandoned the Civil Rights Movement during the late 1960s, because in their view they believed most of the goals had been accomplished. Today many white Americans refuse to acknowledge white privilege or white supremacy are still factors in American politics. The post-racial America concept is an idea developed by racists to cover the increasing violence and hate making a resurgence in the United States. Donald Trump is attempting to make what would be far-right extremist rhetoric and actions politically mainstream. These ideas would no longer be regulated to hate groups or other white supremacist organizations, but would become socially acceptable in public discourse.
       The American political system now in a state of crisis. Voter apathy, political extremism, racial hate, and economic decline will cause major political shifts. Decades from now, it could be possible that a third party could emerge if both the Democratic and Republican party fail or collapse. As long as powerful and wealthy donors remain the two parties could still exist, even if a formidable party emerges. Donald Trump seems more like a third party candidate, because his statements reveal he may not genuinely be an American conservative. That explains why more people are coming into the Republican Party, because he energized and entice people who felt left out or who were shunned from the political system. A simple and crude presentation style also attracted people with little education or knowledge of history, politics, or international affairs. The more sophisticated voters who want a Trump presidency just want a Republican to win the presidency no matter what. The fact the President Obama won two terms still bothers the Republican establishment. This irrational emotion is the product of racial hatred and the fact that Republican Party is coming to the realization that the country is changing in more ways than one.If they want to maintain political power, adjustments will have to be made to address demographic shifts. Here is the basic conundrum of  American conservatism. How does one remain conservative and change to a shifting political climate? This is impossible from a political science perspective. The contradictions and vacillations of the neoconservative and social conservative are slowly collapsing. What started with Ronald Reagan could end with a Republican president. Donald Trump is appears to be doing a conservative revolution of his own. His rapid rise with no political experience or basic knowledge of government, economics, geography, or political theory causes much trepidation. Donald Trumps wealth is also a threat, because he is not dependent on other organizations for funding of his campaign. This means he will not be influenced by certain interest groups or individuals. A common practice is to outspend your opponents to get the nomination. Donald Trump at the moment has a huge amount of resources at his disposal. Although he has been successful so far, it is unclear who will be the next president. Polls are misleading, so predictions at this time would never be precise or accurate. Who ever the next president will be they will have to be equipped to handle a declining US economy, growing class conflict, racism, expanding warfare, and possible civil unrest.              

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