Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Challenges Facing President Xiomara Castro


Honduras is still recovering from the coup that occurred in 2009. President Xiomara Castro faces both domestic and external challenges. The end of the extradition treaty with the United States signals a major shift. Honduras is asserting its national sovereignty and independence. Latin American nations that are politically left no longer want to align themselves with the United States. The internal affairs of Honduras show that there is internal opposition that does not want change. A video was made pubic which showed her brother-in-law allegedly asking for campaign donations from a drug trafficker. The video is at least a decade old. It was not President Xiomara Castro asking for donations or seeking help from criminal elements. Charges have not been made and no trial has taken place. This has not stopped some who want to see her resign. The National  Anti-Corruption Council appears to be pushing for the president's removal. The National  Anti-Corruption Council has not provided evidence of criminal activity. Without evidence or an investigation the claims are nothing more than accusations. The sudden accusations many suspect are politically motivated. Carlos Zelaya might be guilty of aiding gangs, but nothing in the video suggest President Xiomara ordered the transaction. Speculation also arises that there is a plot  from the United States to have President Xiomara Castro removed. President Xiomara Castro faces internal threats from gangs and the right-wing. The United States is the biggest external threat, seeing as Honduras wants to assert itself in South America.      

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Link Between Alcohol Consumption And Cancer


Alcohol has been linked to certain health concerns. While most  know about the damages it can do to the liver, a link to cancers has been reported. The Word Health Organization stated previously there is no safe amount of alcohol consumption. There has been an increase in breast and colon cancer. The new reports suggest that high consumption of alcohol is linked to six different types of cancer. This includes liver, stomach, and esophageal cancer. The disturbing trend  is people under 50 are having higher cancer rates. Drinking  is a part of culinary culture of certain societies. The youth could be harming their health by staring a pattern of overconsumption. The new information also proves the error of previously accepted positions. Medical professionals used to assert that moderate drinking was fine. The claim even held that some alcohol could protect the heart and circulatory system. Some thought alcohol would be a way to prevent cardiovascular disease. New information demonstrates that is false. Alcohol is now reaching the status  cigarettes and cigars. No amount of smoking is safe or healthy. The data continues to show the same for alcohol consumption. This means the effects of alcoholism are more severe than once thought. Oncologists might have to examine alcohol more extensively as a means treating various cancers. The information might not stop people's drinking habits, but it provides a warning of the risk. Nutrition facts and food labeling must be updated to reflect the new health information.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Israel Invades Lebanon


Israel continues to disturb the peace in West Asia. The invasion of Lebanon has opened another front in the Israel-Gaza War. The invasion has nothing to do with fighting Hamas. Hezbollah does show solidarity with Palestinian resistance. This is not designed to undermine the fight against occupation. Israel is seeking to expand its borders. The consequences of fighting both Hamas and Hezbollah gets Israel closer to a full scale confrontation with Iran. The motivation is to become the most dominant power in the Middle East region and clear space for Israeli settlement. Other Arab states should be concerned about growing Israeli aggression. Jordan, Iraq, and Syria are at risk. Saudi Arabia could one day face violence from Israel. Yemen continues to resist with Houthi fighters. The expansion of the war has created a dire humanitarian crisis. Ethnic cleansing and genocide are occurring in both the Gaza Strip as well as the West Bank. The violence is part of the Greater Israel project. Although the Movement for Greater Israel ended in the 1970s, the ideas remain. The desire to conquer and replace Arabs with European Ashkenazim Jewish populations. If the war keeps going it may force Arab states to intervene. The citizens of those populations are expressing much anger about the deaths caused by the IDF. Beirut has sustained bombings from Israel. The invasion of Lebanon has only isolated Israel diplomatically. These acts of  military aggression are the start of  a Zionist empire. Lebanon now has to fight to for its sovereignty against an invading nation.      

Friday, October 4, 2024

Turkmenistan And EU Seeking An Agreement On The Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor Coordination Platform


The European Union is seeking more economic ties to Turkmenistan. The diplomatic talks that happened this October focused on the establishment of  the  Coordination Platform. This is designed to make trade through the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor more efficient. Other Central Asian and  South Caucasus countries sent diplomats and representatives to the meeting. The agreements focused on development of infrastructure, the transport of cargo, and investment. Part of the objective is to promote economic growth in Central Asia and the EU. The construction of the Coordination Platform is set to launch in 2025. This does have benefits for Turkmenistan, but the concern relates to even distribution of them. Employment should be the first priority related to Turkmen. Wealth that is acquired from the project might not reach the average citizen. It might become part of the Berdimuhamedow family's assets. The country has been ruled by the father and son since 2022. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow was president from 2006 to 2022. The power sharing agreement was more of the establishment of co-ruling governance. It is unknown how much influence Serdar has on government. Gurbanguly still remains Chairmen of  the People's Council of Turkmenistan. Economic policy appears to be going in the direction of more investment and  association with the European Union. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Joseph Biden Comments On The 1992 Presidential Debate


Joseph Biden made remarks about the presidential debate in 1992. He criticized George H.W. Bush's debate performance. Willian Jefferson Clinton was able to beat both Bush and Ross Perot. The ushered in the the age of the new Democrat.  The criticism mostly was the fact that Bush ignored the economic conditions of the United States. Taxes were increasing and unemployment intensified. George H.W. Bush continued the supply-side economic policies. The irony was that Biden would be forced out the 2024 presidential race. The poor debate performance revealed that President Biden was showing signs of cognitive decline. Presidents do not win all their debates, but that was never a reason for a candidate to drop out. Concerns about Biden's age and health generated the calls to have him leave the presidential race. Donors and members of the Democratic Party withdrew their support. President Biden did not  exit to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders. Like Bush, Biden will leave office with a troubled economy. Inflation and the housing crisis has put immense strain on the American public. Biden stated in 1992 that Bush was a guy "stuck in the past." The reference was discussing the notion that Bush could not make the transition from a Cold War president to a world in which their was only one superpower. Biden then criticizes Bush for not intervening in Bosnia. Yugoslavia was in a state of civil war and going through balkanization. The US interfering would have had devastating consequences. Biden's views then explain why in the 2020s the policy was escalation in the Russia-Ukraine War. Although he mentions that there is no Soviet Union and threats are minimal Biden still wanted US forces in Europe.      

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hassan Nasrallah Accuses The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and US of Arming ISIS ( 2022)


Israel assassinated Hezbollah general secretary Hassan Nasrallah. The targeted assassinations only increase the chances of a wider regional war.  Hassan Nasrallah would make broadcasts in Lebanon discussing various regional and international affairs. A broadcast from 2022  asserted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States armed ISIS. This has been confirmed. The intent was to get ISIS factions to depose the government of Bashir Al-Assad. Nasrallah also notes that ISIS activity was violent in Iraq. The reason Israel is aggressively going after Hezbollah is due to it being formidable. The reason Saudi Arabia would favor ISIS armed groups is because of Syria and Hezbollah's alliance with Iran. The Islamic Republic came into existence by the removal of the monarchy. Saudi Arabia fears a similar type of revolution could occur. Then there is discomfort of a majority Shia Muslim Iraq north of  its borders. The murder of Hezbollah leadership will not stop the conflict. Lebanon might be forced to go to war if more of its citizens are killed. Nasrallah was general secretary since 1992 and now a new leader will takeover. Hassan Nasrallah was not only a symbol to the Lebanese people, but was a popular figure among the Palestinian resistance. Public anger continues to grow in Iraq and Iran. The more Israel continues its airstrikes, the more isolated it will become internationally. The assassination of Hassan Nasrallah was condemned by Turkey, Iraq,  Russia, and South Africa.   

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Kenya-Germany Migration Deal


Germany and Kenya have reached a migration pact. The agreement allows Kenyans who are skilled and semi-skilled to work in Germany. Those skilled professionals of Kenya are not be provided jobs in their country. Germany wants to fill certain positions. This might sound like a positive economic development, but there are some concerning stipulations. Kenyans in Germany could be repatriated who have uncertain legal status. The pact could create a brain drain for Kenya and subject Kenyans in Germany to labor exploitation. There are Germans who could work certain jobs, but employers want workers who would not demand higher wages or salaries. Germany has taken a number of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. Syrians, Ukrainians, and now Kenyans are becoming a part of Germany. Immigration has become a major issue and has caused a surge in far-right political parties. Kenyan doctors, nurses, and teachers can now come to work in Germany. The loss of these professionals only hurt Kenya. Most will probably not return to Kenya and seek to get German citizenship. This only makes Germany economically more powerful by using the Kenyan workforce. President William Ruto's choice could have negative consequences long after his administration. Rarely does Germany send its expertise to African countries. Kenya must find an incentive to keep their workforce in the country. Increasing pay and the standard of living will make citizens remain in Kenya.