Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Julian Assange Set To Be Released From Prison


The attempts of the US governments persecution of Julian Assange could be coming to an end. The plea deal allows 17 changes against Assange related to espionage to be dropped. Part of the plea deal is that Assange pleads guilty to one charge. The case shows that there is no evidence he was conducting espionage or working on the behalf of a foreign power. Assange is an Australian citizen and the US criminal charges against him would have legal implications with his home country. Prime Minister  Anthony Albanese condemned the US attempt to have him extradited.  Julian Assange has done nothing criminal and was forced into Belmarsh Prison. While incarcerated in the UK Assange was put into solitary confinement. There is enough evidence to show his basic human rights were violated. The Espionage Act charge does not hold. What Assange released on Wikileaks were diplomatic cables. These were not classified documents. A diplomatic cable would not be sensitive information revealing national security related  intelligence.  Chelsea Manning has access to classified documents, not Assange. Wikileaks was able to reveal the war crimes of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan. The extent of murder and violence was largely censored in American mainstream media.  There have not been criminal charges of officials in the Bush or Obama administration related to those crimes. As Assange returns to Australia a growing concern about his safety is felt. Julian Assange has suffered mental and physical health decline related to his imprisonment. It might take a longtime for him to recover from 11 years of being a political prisoner. His release was a triumph for advocates of free press and independent journalism. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Nelson Mandela Speaks of Tolerance (2006)


Nelson Mandela gave a PSA message that was broadcast on CBS. The subject of the short PSA was discussing tolerance. No one is born as Mandela stated hating other based on their race, religion, or background. Hatred is learned, but tolerance can be taught as Mandela expressed. Humanity can have the capcity to love and do right Mandela asserted. The former president and freedom fighter dedicated his life to fighting the Apartheid regime in South Africa. Two years after this message South Africa had an outbreak of xenophobic violence in 2008. South Africa continues to grapple with racism and inequality. The Boer ownership of farms continues to represent the long legacy of colonial oppression. South Africa has not become the rainbow nation that Nelson Mandela envisioned. A new way of  political thought needs to be promoted that encourages Pan-African ideas. There needs to be more than just tolerance; there must be acceptance of various groups. It will take time for South Africa to reach a point of tolerance. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Ibrahim Traore Praises The Russian Federation (2023)


Ibrahim Traore praised the Russian Federation. in 2023. During a speech at the Russia-Africa Summit he recognized that Russia and Burkina Faso have a common struggle. The West continues to promote neocolonialism in various parts of the world. Russia found itself in the same situation with NATO expansion during the 2000s. Russians and Africans gave their lives to stop fascism in Europe during World War II. After the war, the Soviet Union provided aid to national liberation movements. This was helpful in the fight against white minority ruled regimes in Southern Africa. Traore mentions this history of collaboration, which explains why more African countries have a more favorable view of Russia. Burkina Faso at one time had a revolutionary socialist leader Thomas Sankara. Ibrahim Traore almost seems like a 2020s version of  the former leader of Burkina Faso. Traore's laudation of the Russian Federation makes sense when viewed in a wider historical context. Burkina Faso and Russia are being brought closer together due to the poor diplomatic relations with France. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Senator Joseph Biden Explains The Motivation For Support of Israel (1986)


As the Israel-Hamas War continues many Americans are becoming frustrated with President Biden's approach to the conflict. It becomes more evident that his administration cares little about the deaths in Gaza. Those in his cabinet refuse to even call it ethnic cleansing. Biden at the time a senator in 1986 explained why the US supports Israel no matter what crimes it commits. Israel only exists  to serve US interests in the Middle East. The myth of a moral obligation related to the Holocaust was promoted to the public. Israel was used to halt pan-Arab nationalist movements, Islamism, and anti-colonial politics. What President Biden stated was that if Israel did not exist, the US would have to create some type of puppet state. US interests in West Asia relate to control of oil and a concern about energy. Based on Biden's comments in the Senate in 1986, it explains the support now. Despite attacking hospitals and refugee camps the Biden administration continues to send aid and weapons. The Biden administration is showing anti-Arab racism and it is alienating numerous voters. President Joseph Biden's support for Israel shows a long pattern in his political career. He is willing to support Israel, even if it could cost him the 2024 election. Billions are contributed for the Zionist project. These funds would best be used repairing infrastructure or for public schools. Instead funds are used to contribute to the  Israeli war machine. President Biden claimed it was a wise investment. Decades later, the alliance is more of a liability. More Arab states are getting vexed at Israel's human rights abuse. President Biden ignores all objections to his foreign policy.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The European Union 2024 Elections


Europe is moving in the direction of the far-right. Much of this was predicted based on economic and political issues, The 2008 financial crisis created much social stress and it was followed by the refugee crisis. The Arab Spring since 2010 has caused massive waves of those fleeing countries in a state of war or subject to regime change. The issue persisted and far-right political parties exploited it to their advantage. When the Russia-Ukraine War broke out sanctions were imposed. This had an opposite effect, because Europe is dependent on Russian energy. The economic hardship that followed that policy caused unemployment and inflation. The citizens of EU countries lashed out by electing far-right parties in the 2024 EU elections. Political centrism is not going to stop the growing discontent across Europe. The voters are getting more vexed with a political establishment that does not respond t their needs. This might explain why French President Emmanuel Macron called for snap elections. France is seeing a similar phenomenon in domestic politics. Many times far-right parties claim to have moderated their views. The tactic is designed to deceive voters of true intentions. The new far-right would not be fascist by definition. Analysts of political science call them populist, but the term is not specific enough for this shift. The precise term is xenophobic nativist nationalism. Those who have been active in politics for a number of years still do not comprehend the nature of this movement. Either it could become a serious threat to democratic institutions or a fringe movement regulated to forgotten history. Political conditions are not so turbulent that a totalitarian system could emerge. Under extreme economic and social distress it can. The European left must become formidable enough to challenge the establishment, centrist,  and the new xenophobic nativist nationalism movement. Otherwise the far-right parties are going to become more powerful.    

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Increase of Protests Across Africa


The African continent is seeing a wave of public discord. A number of demonstrations have occurred related to the cost of living and low wages. This is another example of how IMF and World Bank policies have never been helpful to African nations. What induced this new wave of protests was the COVID-19 pandemic aftermath. The pandemic did not just cause devastation to public health; the economy suffered. Business closed, unemployment increased, and inflation put a strain on the public. South Africa and Morocco saw the most protests in the five year span. The frustration has gotten so intense it has escalated into riots. The data reveals a total of  5,039 demonstrations related to economic inequality. Most of the protests were peaceful, but it was recorded that 13% erupted in violence. Food security is directly linked to some of the protests. Inflation directly effects food prices, which becomes a dire concern. Sudan's protests have multiple causes related to the military government , civil war, and authoritarian oppression. Tunisia's economy has not recovered from the rule of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Nigeria squanders its oil wealth and the DRC is fighting another M23 rebel insurrection. Africa is rich in resources, but corrupt governments and foreign interventions are undermining economic development. Algeria, Uganda, and Kenya also share the same issue of a cost of living crisis. This is not unique to Africa. The cost of living crisis is spreading. Africa is just experiencing it earlier. The ramifications of a cost of living crisis means political  instability.   

Saturday, June 8, 2024

India's Heatwave


India is experiencing an extreme heatwave. This follows a pattern that has been observed by climate scientists. The heatwave become even more precarious with water shortages. The heatwave can be explained by climate change and India's growing urbanization. The human environment interaction in cities contributes to an increase in temperatures. India needs a level of industry and urbanization to become a developed nation. The need to regulate industries and to have fossil fuel free alternatives must be put into motion. heatwaves pose a serious threat to public health and a danger to workers. Pakistan is also having challenges with the 2024 heatwave. If the climate models are correct, India's temperature will continue to increase. Efforts must be made to reduce emissions. The desire to develop the country should not come at the expense of the environment or the Indian citizen. At some point, no amount of environmental policy or regulation can reverse rapid climate change. The population is not only effected, but also India's wildlife. Certain animals might not be able to survive under such temperatures. That will result in changes in the ecosystem, which will directly impact farmers. With high temperatures comes the risk of forest fires. Jammu and Kashmir are experiencing forest fires. Heatwaves and water shortages could in the future determine how India votes. Indians are being harmed by the heatwaves, with deaths being reported in the last five days.