Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Failed Coup In The DRC


The Democratic Republic of the Congo foiled a coup. A number of African nations have been experiencing coups in the 2020s. The difference with the DRC was that it was not against a longtime regime. During this coup attempt, the presidential palace was attacked. The leader of this coup was Christian Malanga. He was killed during the coup attempt according to authorities in the DRC. Video shown shows the group with flags of the former Zaire. Those who were in the coup group appear to have nostalgia for the Joseph Mobutu dictatorship. Christian Malanga was involved in opposition politics and gold mining prior to the coup attempt. Malanga based on the information gathered was a refugee who settled in the United States. This was in the 1990s when Zaire was falling into civil war. His political activities were working for the United Congolese Party. The political party has been described as a movement to remove the current government. Questions have arisen about possible US involvement in the plot. No evidence has been uncovered of a CIA operation. Three American were allegedly were part of the coup group. The DRC is facing challenges from M23 rebels, Rwanda, and external powers seeking to exploit its natural resources. The coup attempt no matter how small was a demonstration of political instability. When this transpired political factionalism had reached record levels in the DRC. The New Zaire Government in Exile another organization wanted to revert the DRC to the years of 1971 to 1997. If enough evidence is gathered it could implicate the New Zaire Government in  Exile as being an accomplice to the coup.  

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