Sunday, May 26, 2024

Hillary Clinton Disparages Student Protesters


Hillary Clinton has expressed her distain for student protesters. Across the country university students are voicing their discontent with US support for Israel's war on Gaza. Appearing on MSNBC the former Secretary of State asserted the students did not understand history of the Middle East. The commentary was condescending and represents the arrogance of the foreign policy establishment. To call all student protesters uninformed is an insult to the universities they attend. Her attitude is common of the baby boomer generation and political centrist who do not acknowledge other perspectives. Most Americans understand that Israel was built up as an outpost to enforce US foreign policy in West Asia. Regime change in the Middle East and North Africa has resulted in the current instability. Arming terrorist organizations in Syria, invading Iraq, and bombing Libya caused a refugee crisis. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was involved in the coup in Honduras, the strikes in Syria, and the removal of Qaddafi in Libya. Her actions  can best be described as war crimes. Prior to these statements, Clinton offered to help the Biden campaign. Based on her comments, President Biden should distance herself from Hillary Clinton. The polls show that President Biden is struggling with the youth vote. Antagonizing university students makes reelection more difficult. Hillary Clinton ignores the fact that the William Jefferson Clinton administration failed to obtain a peace settlement. The 2000 Camp David Summit did not produce any meaningful results.  The Jimmy Carter administration was able to produce a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Since 1978 the Camp David Accords have held, but the future is looking less certain. Hillary Clinton's statements do not only reflect ignorance, but a disdain for those who have concerns regarding human rights in Palestine.   

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