Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Pension Reform Protests Escalate


France is seeing a rise in protests over the pension reforms. Increasing the retirement age is not a policy that should be implemented when Europe faces economic difficulties. As demonstrations spread, police violence has increased. Images of tear gas and police using clubs have been seen all over the world. The image of orderly,  democratic, and free Europe has been destroyed. The image was in many ways a myth used to keep citizens passive about economic and political conditions. The new pension reforms are an attack on workers, labor unions, and the French public. President Emmanuel Macron is determined to force through the changes, even if it costs him politically. The bill was pushed through the lower house of parliament without a vote. Doing this raises questions about the legality of the matter. What the demonstrations expose is the normalization of police brutality and plots against organized labor. The attacks on the yellow vest protests were a precursor  to the current violence. Violence from law enforcement has caught the attention of Amnesty International, the Council of Europe, and the International Federation of Human Rights. The use of stun grenades and rubber bullets have been condemned by these organizations. The establishment claims police are being attacked by leftists and anarchists who create violence. Most of the violence comes from law enforcement directed at protesters. It does not matter if they are peaceful or violent. A coordinated effort is designed to repress workers and the public. France might continue to descend further into labor disputes, civil unrest, and authoritarian tendencies.   

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