Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Flaws of Third Wave Feminism

Modern day Feminism evokes many reactions. Many are negative or positive emotions. Some women even avoid the label Feminist. Originally, Feminism was an ideology that believed women were equals to men and deserved the same economic, political, and social rights. This was gradually achieved through First Wave Feminism as represented by the Suffragette Movement. Women gaining the vote gave them more power in society. Second Wave Feminism sought to challenge workplace discrimination, sexual violence, and barriers in education. Around the 1990s there was a paradigm shift in Feminist thought. Third Wave Feminism the modern incarnation is a backlash against previous Feminist theories. This new Feminist movement has a number of contradictions and issues not addressed. The goal has shifted from equality to forming a series of interest groups that only benefits its members. The ironic twist is that it does not benefit the majority of women.
            The Third Wave Feminist Movement claims that it wants to be inclusive of women of various ethnic backgrounds. This is not true, in the case of the African American experience or the condition of women outside the West. Throughout the history of the Feminist Movement in the West, it has been dominated by white women. During the 1970s African American women decided to challenge that. However, white Feminists were rarely supportive of African American causes. Alice Walker developed the term womanism to describe a path way for liberation and to understand the racial and sex oppression black women face. Currently, there is a divide over full inclusion. African Americans and other women of color are marginalized in Feminist circles.  The concept of “global sisterhood” is far from reality. Transnational Feminist networks that have emerged over the past decades failed to combat sex discrimination in the developing world. Countries such as Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa, which have high levels sex discrimination, are ignored by Western Feminists.  Even though African, Asian, and Latin American make up the majority of the population white Feminists exclude them from mainstream discourse.
            Another issue is the wage gap. Third Wave Feminists claim that this is evidence of sexist discrimination. The feminization of poverty adds credibility to this argument, but this represents another problem. Wages have been stagnant for both men and women in the workforce. This represents the failure and exploitive nature of neoliberal capitalism. More jobs can be created, but if wages never increase it will result in income disparity. Simultaneously, with a regressive tax code it will put more burdens on middle class and poor workers. Another explanation is the career path women choose. Careers that are in the fields of mathematics, science, engineering and technology are high paying occupations. Women either are not interested in these fields or discouraged from pursing them.  Another factor that could account for the disparity is whether or not maternity leave is paid or unpaid.  This is critical, because raising a child requires significant financial resources. Socialist Feminists realize that class conflict is present in society and that a small ruling class oppresses the impoverished majority.  Third Wave Feminists look at the wage gap in a narrow perspective, while embracing another form of exploitation. If women’s wages were to increase dramatically, would these wealthy women help women of a lower socioeconomic status? It would not happen.  As long as a corporate ruling class rules the United States, men and women’s wages will decrease.
            The concept of rape culture raises other disputes. No one can deny that violence against women is common in society. However, Third Wave Feminists are now taking a different approach by a campaign of “teaching men not to rape.” First it assumes all men are rapists and have a tendency to be violent. Although men do represent a majority of violent crime perpetrators, that does not make all men criminals. It takes a person with aggressive, antisocial, and sociopathic behavior to commit such acts. Trying to rehabilitate individuals with these traits would be impossible. Women are not the only ones who face rape. Prison populations are the victims of custodial rape. Children are victims as well by both men and women. Rape is not a woman only issue.  This idea of “teaching men not to rape” is not effective. The proper solution should be on self-defense and vigilance.  Learning martial arts and other techniques can reverse certain predicaments.  The wave of sexual assault crimes on college campuses can be reduced by a more efficient campus police. Also, female students should be given free self-defense courses just as a precaution. The fact of the matter is waiting for some people to change is irrational.  The only way to reverse this situation is through immediate action. 
            Third Wave Feminists claim they are trying to promote equality between the sexes, but there are some areas which they do not want it. Men for example are required to register for the selective service, while women are not. Women are now having a larger role in the military and combat roles are being opened to them. Under former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the ban on women in combat was lifted. Detractors say that women are not strong enough for a combat role, but there are exceptions. There are certain nations that do allow women in front-line combat roles like Israel, North Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania, Eritrea, Canada, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Women who do meet the physical fitness standards still face a level of bias. Rarely do you see Third Wave Feminist organizations come to their aid or attempt to make it mandatory that women register for the selective service. There could be other reasons for this. Most of the wars the US has fought are imperialist and controversial in nature. The public will be divided on the role of the US Army in terms of these actions. Many would find it unacceptable if women were to be killed in combat, because it is believed that men are expendable. A majority of American women would not be willing to register for the selective service. So this double standard will remain acceptable to Third Wave Feminists. Another issue is Family Law. Men will in most cases provide the financial assistance for child support. Women will not have the same financial responsibility. The peculiar development is that child support almost becomes an extension of alimony. The support of the spouse is different than support of children. This is dated mode of thought, because it assumes that men should be the only bread winners. Family Law in the United States will give more advantages to women.  What also complicates matters is judicial prejudice. Courts will assume that in regards to child custody, they will be better off with the mother. There is no equality in Family Law. Once again, there is little protest from Feminists. Double standards discredit many claims of the movement. Both parents who are divorced should contribute equally to their children’s well-being.
            Third Wave Feminism attempts to promote role models to empower girls. The role models they select are actually a hindrance to their goal. They believe that society is so patriarchal, that it encourages girls and women to have low self-esteem. To counter it they promote and praise certain women of notable influence. Two examples are Hillary Clinton and Beyonce Knowels. These two individuals who are popular in Feminists circles are terrible role models. Hillary Clinton represents the corruption of US politics. As Secretary of State her foreign policy decisions were both reckless and belligerent. Libya will remain a shameful legacy of her poor judgment. Hillary Clinton was vociferously calling for the US to intervene in Libya during its civil war. The result was that the US embassy was attacked by the same armed groups the West embraced when the war broke out. Hillary Clinton has never been at the forefront of Feminist causes. Usually she will state a few words of support, but never actively promotes Feminist ideas or causes. This becomes even more puzzling, because she has many Feminist supporters. Recently Beyonce Knowels has been adopted as a Feminist icon. This is self-defeating, because of the huge amount of contradictions. This singer basically makes her fortune by sexually objectifying herself. Somehow Feminists explain this as a woman taking control of her body and sexuality. Her performances have her sing in revealing clothing and this becomes more of the focus than her music.  This conveys a subtle message that the only way women can gain power is by their physical appearance or presenting themselves as sex objects. Her power may come from her income, but is controlled by the music companies that license her songs. Most of the music labels are still controlled by men. These Third Wave Feminist icons are certainly not up standing examples for young girls.
            The state of the Feminist movement is divisive. The modern from has turned into an interest group for white women of the upper and middle class. Women of other ethnic groups are either marginalized or silenced. The movement use to be about equal rights, but now it is for the establishment of special privileges. Some women do not even want to use the label Feminist.  This does not mean that sexism does not exist. What this movement transformed into has ultimately been counterproductive.

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