Thursday, September 12, 2024

President Alberto Fujimori Accuses Generals of Assassination Plot (1992)


Former President Alberto Fujimori passed away from cancer and  Peru remains divided about his legacy. Despite trials, questions remain about the extent of the criminal activity of his administration. Alberto Fujimori in 1992 accused some of his generals of an assassination plot. Doubts remain if these generals were actually attempting coup or assassination. Around April of 1992 Alberto Fujimori launched the self-coup. President Fujimori dissolved the Congress and the judiciary and the military assisted. It makes no sense that a military would help enact authoritarianism with a person they allegedly wanted to assassinate. During the self-coup a new Peruvian  Constitution was created. The reason for Peru's struggles were related to economic instability and the fight against the Shining Path. The accusation of an assassination plot was made in November around the time elections were restored. The image of a few rogue generals trying to depose the government scare people to vote. President Alberto Fujimori won reelection in 1995, but that would not have been possible with out the change to the Peruvian Constitution in 1993. The change allowed him to run for another term. President Alberto Fujimori never provided evidence of the assassination plot. Imposing authoritarianism was justified by the administration as protecting Peru's national security. What was happening was the government abusing power.   

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