Friday, September 20, 2024

South Sudanese Elections Are Postponed


South Sudan will postpone its elections. The government asserts it is to take a proper census, register political parties, and develop a new constitution. These statements are legitimate measures needed for functional government. The concern is that President Salva Kiir is using this time to extend his administration. The elections are now set to be held in December of 2026. The civil war that was waged for five years against Riek Machar ended in 2018. The conflict left 400,000 dead. The argument is that some authoritarianism will keep South Sudan from balkanizing. The civil war in Sudan also is a factor. The war there has effected oil exports, which South Sudan is dependent. Political opposition most likely will not be able to operate under a new national security act. Discontent among civil servants has emerged due to missed pay. The outcome of elections can be predicted. President Salva Kiir has been in power since 2011 and could remain for decades. Leaders such as Paul Kagame, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo,  Paul Biya, Denis Sassou Nguesso,  and Yoweri Museveni have been fixtures in African politics. The UN special envoy for South Sudan stated that the country was not ready for elections. The United Nations should not be dictating what South Sudan should do. The role of the UN is do conflict resolution and facilitate peace negations. Elections could be posted further into 2027. This effort is to extend President Salva Kiir's rule. South Sudan since its independence has known only one leader. If economic conditions become worse and discord is ignored South Sudan could fall into another civil war.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Culprits Involved In The Trump Assassination Attempts


Former President Donald Trump has experienced two attempted assassinations. The culprits were Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Routh. These two had no connection with one another. Thomas Crooks is more mysterious considering there is little information on him. So far, the FBI and Secret Service have not discovered a motive. The investigation is ongoing and Crooks was shot by Secret Service. Ryan Rough remains in custody after the assassination attempt in Florida. Ryan's motivation could be connected to his support for Ukraine. At onetime Routh was a supporter of Donald Trump. However, Rayan Routh became vexed that President Donald Trump was favoring ending the Russia-Ukraine War. Rough was active in recruiting fighters to the front in Eastern Europe. More information has to gathered as the case against Ryan Rough builds. Gun violence has become so prevalent presidential candidates cannot be protected. Despite this, neither candidate has proposed more strict gun control legislation. Vice President Kamala Harris mentioned during the debate that she owned a gun. This should have been condemned by gun  control activists. Ryan Rough had a criminal record and was still able to get firearms. Thomas Crooks did not have a criminal record, which made him harder to track. The assassination attempt would be his first and last crime. Political factionalism and vitriolic rhetoric is creating a dangerous atmosphere in American politics. Mass media also contributes to the growing distrust among American citizens. What Crooks knew it died with him. Ryan Routh will be undergoing a criminal interrogation. Routh's lawyers might try to use an insanity defense to avoid the death penalty or a long prison sentence. No trial date has been set.    

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Safety Concerns About Ozempic


Ozempic is a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. Now it is being used for weight loss. The medication got FDA approval in 2017. Having FDA approval does not make a drug safe. Pharmaceutical corporations are able to get various products on the market that could be harmful. Deregulation and a Food and Drug Administration that flows the dictates of business allowed this. The side effects of Ozempic include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. Ozempic does not permanently eliminate weight problems. The drug has to be taken regularly to maintain a certain weight. Which means a person using it could regain the weight they lost. Exercise and a change in diet would be more effective. The effects of long term use is unknown. Ozempic could possibly cause kidney, gall bladder, and pancreas related issues. Most drugs on the market have side effects that could result in other health concerns. The dieting and weight loss industry wants a medication on the market. A weight loss drug would be profitable. The problem is corporations do not care about consumer safety. Side effects of drugs are classified as either mild or severe. A certain amount of severe side effects has to be present for a drug to be removed from the market. Ozempic has not yet met those conditions. The FDA must reconsider the use of Ozempic as a weight loss drug.   

Thursday, September 12, 2024

President Alberto Fujimori Accuses Generals of Assassination Plot (1992)


Former President Alberto Fujimori passed away from cancer and  Peru remains divided about his legacy. Despite trials, questions remain about the extent of the criminal activity of his administration. Alberto Fujimori in 1992 accused some of his generals of an assassination plot. Doubts remain if these generals were actually attempting coup or assassination. Around April of 1992 Alberto Fujimori launched the self-coup. President Fujimori dissolved the Congress and the judiciary and the military assisted. It makes no sense that a military would help enact authoritarianism with a person they allegedly wanted to assassinate. During the self-coup a new Peruvian  Constitution was created. The reason for Peru's struggles were related to economic instability and the fight against the Shining Path. The accusation of an assassination plot was made in November around the time elections were restored. The image of a few rogue generals trying to depose the government scare people to vote. President Alberto Fujimori won reelection in 1995, but that would not have been possible with out the change to the Peruvian Constitution in 1993. The change allowed him to run for another term. President Alberto Fujimori never provided evidence of the assassination plot. Imposing authoritarianism was justified by the administration as protecting Peru's national security. What was happening was the government abusing power.   

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Paris Peace Conference (1919)


After World War I, the Allies carved up the colonies of the Central Powers. The German Empire, The Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire no longer existed. New states emerged in Europe. The Russian Empire transformed into the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. Asian and African colonies of Germany and Turkey were taken over by France and the British Empire. The mistake of the Paris Peace Conference was that it kept European colonial  imperialism intact. The British Empire and France saw  the conference as a way to expand their territory. France insisted on harsh punishment for Germany. The War Guilt Clause placed most of the blame on Germany. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was more responsible for the outbreak due to its actions in Serbia. The footage shows the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. It went into effect in 1920. Italy even though it fought with the Allies got little of what it was promised. African and Asian independence movements were ignored and not invited to the Paris Peace Conference. Racism and European domination of the globe was to be preserved. The penalties of the Treaty of  Versailles and economic crisis created an atmosphere for fascism to rise. The war to end all wars would lead to another violent conflict in 1939.    

Friday, September 6, 2024

Israel's Targeted Assassinations Harm Ceasefire Efforts


Global protests and internal dissent has not stopped Israel's war on Gaza. Complicating the situation is the policy of targeted assassination. The murder of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran only complicated matters. Khaled Mashal succeeded him after the assassination. The revelation that hostages in Gaza were killed caused protests in Israel. The protests are not for peace or anti-war causes. Rather it is about removing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu . If Israel continues to assassinate the Hamas leadership having negotiations will be impossible. Six hostages were killed. The accusation is that Hamas did the murders, but considering the bombings of the Gaza Strip Israel may actually kill the remaining hostages. The claim was that the war was to save hostages. Then the real objective was exposed. Regime change was decided upon in the Gaza Strip with annexation ending the process. Simultaneously, there is more violence in the West Bank. Hamas does not have control in that area, but it is being subject to military operations. Hamas is being used for the justification of expanding Israel's borders. Khaled Mashal could also fall victim to assassination. Hamas has not made an attempt to attack Israeli leaders. As causalities mount and territory gets absorbed this is not a war fought for defense. A campaign is underway to create Greater Israel. Hamas is surviving with the help of Hezbollah and by relation Iran. Targeted assassinations escalate conflict in a volatile region.      

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The ICC Pressures Mongolia On President Vladimir Putin's Visit


Mongolia hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin. Mongolia is an ICC member, but refused to arrest him. The warrant for his arrest was issued in 2023. The International Criminal Court has been criticized for being biased in charges and undermining national sovereignty of various countries. Mongolia wants to expand economic ties. This visit was not an endorsement of the Russia-Ukraine War. Most Asian and African nations want a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The EU nations continue to send arms. The ICC pressure on Mongolia just undermines the Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh presidency. Not arresting President Putin shows that Mongolia has an independent foreign policy. Mongolia does not exist to serve the ICC or European Union. If there is to be a system of international law, it should be applied to all nations. The International Criminal Court targets African and Asian leaders, while European leaders are exempt. Russia is at the moment, the only European country subject to the ICC  warrant. It has nothing to do with abuses in Ukraine, but to get access to Russian energy. A collapsed Russian Federation would mean certain natural resources could be obtained. President  Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh might have to reevaluate Mongolia being an ICC member. Forcing other leaders to arrest heads of state could cause legal and political complications.