Thursday, July 18, 2024

Paul Kagame Retains The Rwandan Presidency


President Paul Kagame has won 99.18 % of the vote. This was based on provisional results. Many opposition political figures were not allowed to participate. Based on the election results from 2017 he won by a larger margin. Paul Kagame is not getting more popular. This is more of an indication of suppression of other political parties. Now 66 years old it appears President Kagame is becoming a president for life. At first presidential terms were seven years. Through constitutional amendment it was reduced to five in 2015. The question remains what happens after 2034. President Paul Kagame has not evaded controversy. The alleged  involvement with the M23 rebels   in the DRC, military operations in Mozambique,  and Rwandan migrants to the UK are pressing issues. The RPF party still maintains a majority. While the country does have a high GDP, most of the population has not seen an increase related to income. President Paul Kagame has been president since the year 2000. The youth have only known one president and for some it was the first time voting. The desire for change might be growing. The National Electoral Commission clearly favors President Paul Kagame and the RPF. This makes it difficult for opposition parties to operate. They barred eight candidates from running in the 2024 election. While the government could be transforming into a more authoritarian system, some progress related to infrastructure has been made. Hospitals and roads have increased in number. Paul Kagame could  attempt to be a president for life. Assuming the 2015 referendum is discarded at some stage it becomes a possibility.     

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