Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The War On The Houthi Rebels


The Houthi movement has been active in Yemen since the 1990s. Only when the Arab Spring occurred in 2011 did they get more international exposure. Saudi Arabia waged war against the movement and its fighters. As the years past, the US began to condemn the military actions that it supported. The reason for the support of Saudi Arabia was to counter Iran's influence in Yemen. The reversal of US policy demonstrates the contradictory nature of foreign affairs. The Houthi rebels in response to Israel's actions in Gaza began targeting ships in the Red Sea. This forces Israel and its European allies to take more expensive shipping routes. The Israel-Gaza War is causing other insurgencies, armed movements, and terrorist organizations to merge into a larger conflict. The UK and the United Arab Emirates have also played a role in creating violence in Yemen. West Asia could be getting closer to a larger regional war, similar to the Six Day War in 1967. Much of the frustration stems from US military presence in the Middle East and being ally of Israel. Some observers see a new formation of groups in response to attempts at nation building and occupation. The axis of resistance includes a coalition of countries and armed groups. Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthi movement, and Hamas are fighting a against European influence, Israel, and the Gulf monarchies. If shipping continues to be disrupted, the West will respond with more military strikes. The civil war in Yemen has now become a war against the Houthi rebels.  

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