Thursday, November 2, 2023

Kwame Nkrumah And Jawaharl Nehru Address International Concerns At the Non-Aligned Conference (1961)


Kwame Nkrumah and Jawaharl Nehru addressed the Non-Aligned Conference about growing concerns regrading the tension between the superpowers. The leaders of Ghana and India had much influence in the Third World and were hoping to be a mediating force between the US and U.S.S.R. Non-alignment was designed to be its own power block. It did not favor  either of the superpowers. During this period the possibility of a nuclear war was a growing concern. This is why Kwame Nkrumah  demanded that both superpowers disarm. A series of treaties were needed. Jawaharl Nehru expressed that the world should be preparing for peace, rather than war. Only then would global security to achieved . The Third World would find itself being a battleground for Cold War confrontation. Nkrumah's government would be deposed by a CIA backed coup. The Indo-Pakistani Wars would divide Asia. Wars and conflict have been a part of history. What was different about the 20th century was that nuclear war could result in humanity's eradication. Africa and Asia did not have nuclear arsenals like the superpowers. Leaders were conscious of the reality that such weapons could be used in a recolonization effort. 

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