Tuesday, May 30, 2023

President Erdogan Wins Another Five Year Term


President Erdogan was reelected president of Turkey. Despite the challenges from the earthquake and the civil war in Syria. What the recent developments show is that Erdogan will be a longtime presence in Turkish politics. The concern for Syrian refugees is being deported back to a war torn nation. Kurds still face considerable discrimination and the Erdogan administration has been known to have an anti-Kurdish sentiment. The emphasis on a conservative Islamic society, makes some concerned about the restriction of freedoms. Press freedom has been reduce for the past decade. Islamic nationalism is not enough to solve Turkey's domestic concerns. The earthquakes caused considerable damage and homelessness was a result of that. Infrastructure and economic stabilization should be priorities. Turkey is both a NATO member and has good relations with the Russian Federation. President Erdogan's policy is mediation as a solution to the Russia-Ukraine War. The direction of Turkey's foreign policy has made him a major international figure. Arabs of the Middle East do have a more pressing matter related to President Recep Erdogan's reelection. New Ottomanism shows that Turkey wants to have more influence in the Gulf region. This will not just be in the Middle East, but in North and East Africa. The new Turkish nationalism comes with a religious fervor and refusal to acknowledge past history. Turkey refuses to come to terms with the Armenian genocide. Turkey has long sought to be a part of the European Union, but authoritarian policies in the country prevent that. Considering disagreements related to the recognition of Cyprus and Sweden's entry into NATO EU membership remains stalled. President Erdogan is seeking more power both domestically and on the international stage. 

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