Friday, September 23, 2022

The First Hoverbike Shown To The Public


The world's first hoverbike has been invented. The technology was the product of Aerwins. The capabilities are somewhat limited. The total speed the hoverbike can reach is 62 miles per hour. This can only remain in flight for 40 minutes. The hoverbike will not be replacing the motorcycle at the moment . Then the price makes it out of range for most of the public. The hoverbike by Aerwins costs up to $ 777,000. The name of this hoverbike is called Xturismo. The goal is to make a smaller model and an electric version. The schedule for release is set for 2025. Japan has simultaneously been building hoverbikes. Aerwins plans to produce 200 more Xturismo hoverbikes. While their application can go beyond just mere transportation, there are some concerns. Law enforcement could easily abuse this technology. The hoverbike could be designed for military use. That should not be the intent of the technology. Using them for a racing sport or search and rescue operations would be preferable. A hoverbike might be a better option than a car. The challenge would be related to regulating traffic. Certain companies want to invest in an air taxi service. Airlines have interest in the development of an air taxi service. The hoverbike is in an earl development stage. It takes time to develop technology and perfect engineering. 

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