Saturday, November 28, 2020

Ethiopia Wages War on The Tigrayan People's Liberation Front


Ethiopia has come to a point of ethnic conflict. The Ethiopian military has sought to wipe out the Tigrayan People's  Liberation Front, which could result in a long term civil war. The tension between Tigray, Amhara, and Oromo has grown in recent years. The Tigray have accused the government of marginalizing them since the death of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. The conflict will spillover into neighboring countries, which could attract external interference. Prime Minister Abiy Amed's peace with Eritrea could be jeopardize depending on how the military operations on the TPLF go. Somalia remains a failed state, with terrorist organizations active there. Refugees  have fled into Sudan, a country attempting to adjust in a post-Omar al-Bashir political atmosphere. Ethiopia still has a dispute with Egypt over Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project. The Nile River is a pivotal water source which Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt have an interest in. The African Union has not made any immediate plans for action or possible pressure to stop the violence. The biggest fear is that Ethiopia could be starting a process of balkanization, with new states emerging constantly at war with one another.  

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