Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Growing Demonstrations Against Police Violence in The United States


The US is experiencing more protests against the escalation of police violence. The murder of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor by law enforcement has demonstrated  America's distain for its African American population . The police have the ability to murder without punishment or repercussions. The people however, will no longer tolerate such vicious behavior. The demonstrations will continue as long as violence is directed a the African American community. The tactics and methods used by police only reveal that basic rights are gradually be taken away. Both presidential candidates are not committed to police reform, because they know when conditions get worse they will require them to end an uprising. A police force does not exist for fighting crime or protecting the public. Law enforcement's role is to inflict violence on the behalf of the ruling elite and maintain a political system. Simple reforms will not have an effect, if entire police departments are corrupt. Police officers must be changed and incarcerated for murder. There is a growing problem of white supremacist infiltration of police departments in the United States. A growing right-wing extremist  movement is  spreading through the country. Reforms are actively being rejected by police unions. Protests have been peaceful, but there have been cases of  looting and property damage. The majority of  violence comes from police directing their ire at protesters. America continues to descend more into what would be a police state, with civil unrest being common. If change  does not happen it only increases the possibility of mass insurrection.  

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