Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Bernie Sanders Suspends His Presidential Campaign

Bernie Sanders has announced that his campaign has been suspended. This effectively means that Joe Biden has the Democratic nomination. The American left has been struggling to get its agenda and policies into action. Yet, the moderate and centerist wings of the Democratic Party seem to be the biggest obstacle. There is a clear ideological and generational divide that has not been resolved by the party. Baby boomers and the millennial voters are in conflict over economic and political ideology. Some have been nostalgic for the Obama administration, thinking that Joe Biden can return the US to a place of stability. The younger generation seems more willing to adjust tactics to make change happen. Minimal reforms may not be enough to undo the damage caused by a Trump presidency. Bernie Sanders was generating a level of enthusiasm, which Joe Biden has difficulty replicating. The fear is that President Donald Trump will be reelected, due to the fact the Democratic Party selected a candidate that does not resonate with voters. Bernie may never be president, yet a movement has been started. These numbers could possibly grow long after he has retired from public life. The 2020 presidential election will have immense significance beyond the United States. It is unclear if  there is a Joe Biden presidency whether or not economic instability, healthcare, and social inequality will be addressed. If there is not an organized left, then a more radical neoconservative right will dominate American politics.  

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