Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic, Anti-Chinese Racism, and Public Panic

The  World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus outbreak as a global pandemic. What is now known as COVID-19 appeared in Wuhan, China and gradually spread to other nations. Throughout history there have been outbreaks and pandemics. The plague and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic are the most notable. Public health was in the past not up to the same standards as the modern period. Limited understanding about the infectious and viral diseases made matters worse. The reason that this current pandemic occurred is not due to a misunderstanding of biomedical science. The possible root of the outbreak is the trade in exotic animals. This is common in China and animals may be contained in unsanitary conditions. Bats or pangolins  have been suspected as carriers of coronavirus. The origins of the disease still remain a mystery.  While humanity has advanced in terms of medicine, it is still vulnerable to harmful microorganisms. Pandemics are more likely due to large amounts of international travel, larger populations,  or poor public health practices. The pandemic reveals much about the condition of  the world's population. There is a growing xenophobic and racist sentiment directed at Chinese people and the country itself. Bigotry has existed prior to the outbreak , yet it is being used to justify anti-Chinese racism. The world's healthcare systems are not able to address the challenges of pandemics. Certain nations cannot afford to produce high quality healthcare systems. The global south struggles with this due to underdevelopment. Wealth does not always guarantee a functional healthcare system. The United States still does not have a system of universal healthcare. Millions could either be uninsured or have low quality coverage. Preserving public health is not the objective, rather it is to ensure that insurance and pharmaceutical companies maintain high profits. The world needs a network of universal healthcare to prevent pandemics. Otherwise,  more people could parish. There are methods in which a person can protect themselves from infection. The problem is the public panics to an irrational degree. The media and governments are to blame with causing feels of trepidation. Basic information is necessary to prevent further mass infection. Transparency and not making unconfirmed proclamations about events can reduce mass panic. If not this could induce civil disturbance. The effects of COVID-19 are going to have long lasting effects on society, even when the pandemic is over. 
       The outbreak of COVID-19 had indications of a pandemic in its early stages. The majority of those infected were Chinese in Wuhan, which then appeared in other countries. Japan began seeing cases. For awhile, Africa and Latin America did not have cases of COVID-19 infection. Then Egypt and Nigeria became the first African nations to witness COVID-19. Iran and other Middle Eastern nations were grappling with the same disease. South Africa and then Brazil also discovered that the disease reached their territory. The declaration of pandemic should have been made much sooner by the World Health Organization. The rate of the spread was too fast for coronavirus not to be a pandemic. The reason that the ebola outbreak in 2014 was not declared a pandemic was that it was confined to Liberia with other cases in the DRC. The outbreak did not expend outside of Africa. Since February the number of confirmed cases has increased dramatically. There could be more people with the virus, but do not exhibit symptoms. Those who are at risk of death tend to be older and people with preexisting health conditions. Those with influenza related symptoms have been advised also to get tested for coronavirus.  

     A pandemic is by definition a global epidemic that effects large amounts of people across nations. By March 11, the amount of  confirmed coronavirus cases continued  to grow  on every continent ( excluding Antarctica). The world sees large amounts of people traveling for vacations, work, and leisure. Other forms of human migration are not by choice. There continues to be a refugee crisis with many people fleeing war and destabilization . African and Arab refugees fleeing from Libya, Chad, Mali, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, and Somalia are coming to Europe. Traveling this way means their health would suffer, which means the risk of infection could increase. Air planes and cruise ships also can enhance the likelihood getting COVID-19. The shipping of various goods may also be a concern.China has become a leading manufacturer. Goods and services could be interrupted due to coronavirus concerns. Exported products could have traces of the virus if not sanitized. The economic toll can already be seen with fluctuations in the stock market. Public health is more vulnerable not because of lack of technological means. Affordable health insurance and medicine is out of reach depending on which country you live. Smallpox was only eliminated through an international effort. To defeat current and future pandemics, healthcare systems must be raised to a higher standard globally. A serious challenge must be made against insurance and pharmaceutical corporations that make profits providing the least amount of coverage. The homeless and poor are extremely vulnerable to pandemics. The failure of governments to challenge such corporations, puts the world at risk. Disagreements and lack of cooperation among world leaders only makes containing COVID-19 more difficult. The rivalry between world powers makes efforts to confront common threats almost impossible. The lack of rapid response is partly to blame for the spread of the virus. Poor sanitation and the abuse of animals could also be culpable for the crisis. Exotic animals can be carriers of a number of microorganisms that could be harmful to human beings. The trade of various animals in Chinese markets in congested  areas lack the proper sanitation standards. Bird flu and SARS have similar origins. More laws regrading the trade in animals  and wider public health measures must be taken to  halt pandemic outbreaks. 
         The unfortunate result of the pandemic is revived anti-Chinese racism. Prejudice and racism against the Chinese existed before coronavirus. China was subject to being carved up into spheres of influence by France, Germany, the British Empire, US, Japan, and Italy. During the age of European imperialism China had little control of its economy and political structure. Chinese immigrants faced extreme hostility when coming to America, France, and Australia. The US imposed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 and the Immigration Restriction Act of 1924  in order to reduce the Chinese population. The Chinese have either been seen in terms as an immigrant threat or perpetual foreigner. One dimensional stereotypes such as the model minority were presented as a way to hide the fact that racist sentiment was still present in America. When the Chinese Communist Party took power in  1949, America viewed China as an enemy. There was a period diplomatic understanding  in which the Nixon administration opened relations. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China as the second largest economy America saw China as an threat.  The Trump  administration has scapegoated China for the trade war that was started by the United States. This era has ignited a wave of xenophobia and racism that Chinese communities have been familiar with. Chinese or any other non-white groups have always had their loyalty to America questioned. Since the outbreak of coronavirus Chinese Americans have been subject to  acts of race prejudice and hate crimes. This is not an isolated case in just America. Canada, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Netherlands have seen an increase in anti-Chinese sentiment. 

Chinatowns are witnessing a decrease in visitation. Chinese businesses are seeing fewer customers. There is an ignorant idea that some how every person of Chinese descent is a carrier of  the corona virus.The virus is not discriminatory; it can  infect anyone. The outbreak did not cause racism; it just exposed what already was there. The pandemic just always racists to mask their behavior under the excuse of fear. Xenophobia occurs in response to nations that fear shifting demographics, immigration, lack of knowledge, or times of severe economic strain. The rise of China as a world power and the decline of the West has produced new version of xenophobia based around ethnonationalism. Certain communities in this view do not belong in a country that seeks to be racially pure. This explains why Chinese communities are being blamed for the COVID-19 outbreak. Scapegoating is a tactic used to distract from the real issue. Simultaneously, the outbreak can be used to further an anti-immigrant agenda and demonize non-white people. Xenophobic nativist nationalism has made blatant racism more acceptable and the sudden rise in anti-Chinese sentiment should not come as a surprise. There is a long history of various groups being blamed from diseases and outbreaks. Jews were scapegoated for the black plague , which caused mass progroms. The recent wave of anti-Chinese racism induced by coronavirus fears may not subside anytime soon.
       The pubic must have information about the coronavirus. Media  and the government have the potential to induce mass panic. Paranoia can become commonplace in such an atmosphere. The mass media and cable news in particular want ratings. The constant discussion and obsessive suggested measures only make people more anxious. Governments have the problem of not being transparent. President Donald Trump and President Xi Jingping are not fully open about the extent of damage the pandemic has done. The image these leaders want to project is being in control of the situation, when it may actually get worse. A combination of mass media hysteria and lack of government transparency has caused the world population to behave in irrational ways. The rapid consumption of hand sanitizer and cleaning products has become more prevalent. Stores may find it difficult to maintain products as people gather supplies. Some even refuse to shake hands anymore for  fear of catching the virus. Being scared or avoiding people entirely is not going to solve the current crisis. It only increases suspicion among people. There are practical measures in place that are more effective. Quarantines, travel bans,  and avoiding large public gatherings can low the spread of COVID-19. Simple acts such as washing your hands and avoid touching the face can also be helpful.

Staying home and recovering if you are sick is one the most pivotal pieces of public health advice. Some responses may be an overreaction. The Trump administration hinted at an internal travel ban within the United States. Some public schools and universities have cancelled classes out of fear of the pandemic. Public transportation systems have seen a decline in riders, because of the virus. A person who just sneezes induces panic in people. Coughs and sneezes do not always mean that COVID-19 is the culprit. Even with measures in place, the virus still has the ability  to mutate. A vaccine has not been produced, which means there are very few tools to fight the virus. The current public health measures could be moderately successful. It should be realized that they are not impenetrable. Trepidation about possible illness should not stop one from functioning. Misinformation tends to propagate faster than truth especially in the age of social media. Conspiracy theory already add to the culture of paranoia and panic. The most prevalent conspiracy theory is that COVID-19 is some type of bioweapon. The accusation is that China or Russia made a bioweapon and unleashed it on the world. This is not true, however some believe this. There exists no evidence that biological warfare is being conducted. If  this was an attack from China why would it be unleashed in Wuhan? The reason for these conspiracies is to encourage hatred or blame on certain nations. Combined with the public's weak knowledge of science and biology many people are absorbing misinformation. Besides having correct information, there needs to be officials that can explain it to the public. Medical professionals and virologists must do what they can to help people decipher incorrect information.
        The COVID-19 pandemic will change the way society will function. Even when the pandemic ends certain measures may remain due to misplaced fear. Screening for disease may become an excuse to keep immigrants out of  certain countries. Healthcare systems may figure out how to make even more profits at the expense of the population. The United States at the moment allows for free virus testing. A person still has to pay if they need treatment. The insurance companies at some stage will use pandemics for profit. A vaccine has not yet been produced and when one comes it may be too expensive for the less economically stable. The relations between people have been altered. Self isolation is necessary during pandemics. This could become more common due to paranoia. The culture of fear that has been built up over decades could reach a dramatic point. People may be less likely to interact or help one another. All over the world people are retreating into their own communities and not interacting with the wider world. Global civilization could be going backward. The world must update its healthcare systems to meet international public health challenges. The more disturbing prospect is that the world may suffer mass population loss. The current pandemic has not damaged the large amount of the total human population. The potential for losing control becomes greater with people's lack of medical access. Other measures such as paid sick leave and a universal healthcare system can prevent such a possibility of crisis. A pandemic should not used as a means of expanding a national security state. Police and armed forces in certain countries are already imposing quarantines and travel bans by force. Italy has done this making it hard for citizens to move from place to place. Germany could follow this as well as France. Governments use a crisis to restrict personal freedoms and basic human rights. Pandemic practices and restrictions may remain palce simply as a way for governments to  gain more power with limited oversight. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it and it will be permanent. 

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