Friday, March 10, 2017

South Korea president Park Geun-hye ousted by court - BBC News

President Park Geun-hye has been impeached and removed from office. This marks the first time a South Korean President that was democratically elected has been removed from office. The Supreme Court upheld their decision and it possible the former president could face criminal charges in corruption scandals linking her to Choi Soon -Sil. Samsung a notable cellphone and electronics company was also connected to the series of corruption scandals. The fear now is what happens next. South Korea could be on the verge of instability and now elections are expected in sixty days. It seems that conservatism in South Korea is now becoming unpopular due to the series of scandals. There are still pro-Park supporters and it seems that the protests will not stop. To complicate matters, North Korea continues missile launches and a build-up of systems. It is not entirely clear why this has occurred at this moment. South Korea's top business leaders also face questioning for their roles in bribery in association with President Geun-hye's political allies. North Korea would benefit from a change in administration, because it is believed that a leftist government would be more open to peaceful resolutions. This seems unlikely, considering the United States may pressure South Korea not to do so. Some analyst would say this shows the strength of South Korea's 30 year democracy. This can only be determined in how well the transition of power occurs, if the rule of law is enforced, and if the business elite are subject to punishment for their crimes. 

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