Monday, January 30, 2017

The America First Policy of the Trump Administration: Xenophobia and War as a Foreign Policy

Donald Trump has been vague in terms of his foreign policy agenda. However, there is an ideology that has formed no matter how simple. He has made the claim that US allies and NATO are not paying there fair share in terms of expenses for security. Donald Trump now describes his foreign policy as America first. This policy that he claims is new has already been in practice. The United States does not design its foreign policy to be altruistic. It mainly serves economic purposes and objectives of the military-industrial complex. Any nation could be a useful ally, but disposed of when it is no longer useful to the United States. This has been seen with with the Philippines, Iraq, Haiti, and various nations. Neoconservative policy has become official US foreign policy, putting an emphasis on regime change, nation building, and maintaining US hegemony around the world. Donald Trump may not completely agree with Neoconservative ideology, but is a sympathizer. The difference in his vision is that he wants to expand existing conflicts and start others. The United States will no longer hide the fact it wants to exploit other nations,but embrace it. There were in the past justifications for aggressive war which included fighting communism and currently counter-terrorism. Every nation either in Europe,Asia, Latin America, and Africa will become suspect. An America first policy translates to an even more belligerent United States that fears or hates anything foreign. This will be more than simple proclamations, but result in dangerous action. The Middle East and East Asia will become a zone of long term warfare.
      The arising tension from China represents both racist and xenophobic attitudes of the United States. China during the Cold War was presented as a threat or a nation bend on global domination in US propaganda. The Korea War and the Vietnam War were two conflicts in which the US and China were on opposing sides. These confrontations did come to an end, but left feelings of hostility, Toward the end of the 20th century relations were improving. This was represented by the one China policy. Donald Trump now wants to reverse this by recognizing Taiwan. His accusations that either scapegoat or blame China for America's problems are clearly belligerent in tone. Micheal T. Flynn who is serving as National Security Adviser has been known to have negative views on China. Flynn has been known to support claims that China is behind most of the world's instability. These accusations appear in his book Field of Fight How We Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies. Micheal Flynn attempts in an outrageous conspiracy theory fashion claims that radical political Islamism is being aided by China and North Korea. Although many can see this is fantasy, it convenient for getting the american public to support aggressive action against China and other Asian nations that do not agree with the pivot to Asia. Yellow peril has reemerged for the 21st century. At some point this could escalate to full scale war. The America first concept would be to have Japan militarize along with South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. These countries would fight on the behalf of the United States against China. What Trump fails to realize is that all Asian nations will not go along with the division their continent. The Philippines is now seeking bilateral ties with China under Rodrigo Duterte.  Russia could prevent such a conflagration, but it is uncertain if the what appears to be amicable start with a Trump administration will continue. Donald Trump through either recklessness or bellicose behavior could ignite conflict in the Asia-Pacific region.
     Donald Trump has stated that ISIS will be destroyed. To accomplish this he wants to create safe zones in Syrian territory. This policy if executed will be disastrous for several reasons. The action will either require a no-fly zone to be enforced or ground troops. Iraqi and Kurdish forces as well as US forces would have to patrol these safe zones. Syria would never accept any country violating its territory. If ISIS was to be defeated, this would lead to another problem of the US attempting regime change in Syria. Russia would not allow one of its Arab allies to fall. Bashar Al-Assad was helped by Russia's intervention and Hezbollah. This could be a point in which Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump become enemies. Disagreements over Syria could cause even worse relations between the US and Russia. There are other factors that should be accounted for, which Trump either has little understanding or interest in. The kurds are seeking an independent nation-state and now seems to be the best opportunity. However, this could cause more war because a Kurdistan would include territory from Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey. Israel continues to expand with settlements in the West Bank causing more discord among Palestinians. The Trump administration has announced that it wants to move its embassy from Tel Aviv  to Jerusalem, which in many ways symbolizes that Trump does not believe in the two state solution. Israel has not only brutalized the Palestinian people, but has conducted multiple airstrikes into Syria. Trump obviously will favor a pro-Israel foreign policy even over Arab allies like Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Donald Trump could extend the war in Syria and Iraq while escalating it further. The America first policy here under a Trump administration would be to have either the Peshmerga, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, or Israel do more ground fighting. The United States will continue bombing with more intensity. The US will attempt to extract oil resources doubtless of what happens to the populations living in the region. Trump has  in order to cover-up human rights abuses presents refugees and Muslims in particular as terrorist and dangerous individuals. Xenophboia and prejudice are used to make people insensitive to the plight of the victims of US military interventions. Trump has signed an executive order banning people from Libya, Iraq, Syria, Sudan , Iran, Somalia, and Yemen. As long as the bombings and drone strikes continue the refugee crisis will only get worse. Trump's America first policy will not only exacerbate the the crisis , but harm diplomatic efforts. EU countries have taken more refugees, while the US has done little to ameliorate the suffering. Donald Trump's war as a foreign policy will ultimately cause friction among most countries of the world.
        Donald Trump has shown his disdain for immigrants, but has an extreme fixation on South Americans. Mexico has become a nation that has been the target of his anti-Latino rhetoric. Trump's insistence on constructing a wall along the Mexico border continues to damage relations with that country. This does not only effect Mexico, but Latin America at large. Donald Trump has said that he wants to even reverse the progress made with Cuba under the Obama administration. Raul Castro has wants to be constructive, but so far Trump has rejected any offers. The United States has never had excellent relations with its Latin American neighbors. From the Monroe Doctrine, Mexican War, and  Roosevelt Corollary it has been negative. The United States has been a colonizer of South America, creating much frustration. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt enacted a Good Neighbor Policy in which the US would not intervene in Latin American affairs or invade for the sake of business interests. There was another attempt to improve relations with South American countries with the Alliance for Progress under President John F. Kennedy. The Cold War reversed this when the US became more focused on containment of communism. Numerous right-wing military dictatorships were aided by the US to fight communism. This imperial crusade caused much torture and death. Donald Trump does not care about past grievances or improvement of diplomatic relations. Trump wants the wall in place not to stop the flow of illegal immigration, but to send a message to Latin America. The message is one of segregation.He does not want to make it easier to gain citizenship through immigration reform. The desire is to stop it all together. The ban of select Muslim majority countries is a test for how he can ban Latin American immigrants. Donald Trump's conviction is that all immigration, even if is legal is horrible. This takes white supremacist overtones with religious fanaticism, considering he wants to favor Christians who are persecuted in the Middle East. Donald Trump would have no problem accepting immigrants who were white. The proposal to tax Mexican imports by 20% could have a negative reaction on overall economic health. Other nations could just export somewhere else in which the rate is lower causing the American consumer to lose out. South American nations will look elsewhere to conduct business, which could either be China or Russia. The US should be securing strong alliances with Latin America, not severing them. Donald Trump will make the United States isolated in its own region.
     The America first policy can be described as a more aggressive version of American empire. Previously, American empire was reliant on a myth or the mendacious belief that what the US was doing was ethical. Donald Trump with limited tact expresses his intentions. His crude, obnoxious, and unsophisticated articulation of politics and international affairs resonated  with white Americans. They feel threatened by the demographic shifts in the country, decline of US power, globalization, and the erosion of white privilege. Donald Trump was the product of America's xenophobic nativist  racism. This extends to economics with Trump promising to reverse the negative effects of globalization. Manufacturing cannot return simply because technology has become more advanced. Robotics will soon replace human labor in certain areas. Employment will also require more skills and higher education. Even if all products were domestically produced this would means prices would increase. Wages would have to be cut to allow for higher production. This means that workers would not be able to afford the items they produce. This reveals that neoliberal capitalism is failing or on the verge of collapse. Trump may know he cannot fulfill these promises and uses immigrants as a distraction or scapegoat. The United States going into week two of a Trump presidency is already becoming unstable. Protests at airports and cities across the country will only increase in number. Donald Trump still does not have a coherent foreign policy, beyond slogans and executive orders. The world is becoming more complicated and the US must develop a strategy for navigating shifts in global power. The America first policy is unrealistic in the 21st century.                           

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