Monday, December 19, 2016

Ethiopian PM Says State of Emergency Was Warranted

Ethiopia is in a state of crisis. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn has ordered the government to block social media sites for fear it will incite ethnic conflict and violence. A state of  emergency has been declared after conflicts in regards to the Oromo ethnic group. The Oromo have faced racial discrimination and harassment. They are no longer willing to be subjected to oppression and want equal rights as Ethiopian citizens. This ban on social media could be a way for the government to stop dissent in the East African nation. Ethiopia has faced numerous challenges which include the fall out from the Arab Spring, the contention with Egypt in regards to dam projects, and involvement in Somalia. One question remains which many have feelings of trepidation about. Will the state of emergency remain permanent? This has been done in numerous countries for a ruling group to maintain power indefinitely. What also seems disturbing is the disregard for free speech. Hate speech is deplorable, but to prohibit it endangers free speech itself. Then what exactly could hate speech legally be defined as? This attempted ban on hate speech could silence advocates for human rights and social justice. The TPLF must realize that there is one Ethiopia and the Oromo have the right to contribute to it as much as they do. That means releasing Merera Gudina and allowing the Oromo People's Congress to function in government. If not, Ethiopia will never reach its goals of attaining stability, development, and its place as a continental leader of Africa.     

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