Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Paris Attacks: William Engdahl Explains the Past, Present and Future of the War in Syria

The roots of the recent attacks in Paris are the results of an imperialistic foreign policy. France by initiating airstrikes resulted in blow back from ISIS. The US and UK have a long history of financing armed groups and terrorist organizations for the purpose of destabilizing nations they want to control .The Muslim Brotherhood got assistance from the CIA to destabilize Gamal Nasser's Egypt. The US also armed the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to thwart Soviet attempts at restoring the communist regime in the 1980s. During the 1990s terrorist groups were utilized in Bosnia and Chechnya. The US now is arming various groups to depose Bashar Al-Assad. ISIS was fostered and developed by the US, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia as a way to stop the development of a Shia Muslim power block of nations. Iran, Iraq, and Syria were on the verge of constructing a major gas pipeline that would be serious competition for the energy market in the region. The desire to remove Assad has nothing to do with human rights or ISIS, but energy resources. The recent attacks in Paris will be used to justify France attempting to re-colonize Syria and Lebanon. What will happen in France itself is the reduction of civil liberties and basic rights in the name of national security.    

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