Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Qaddafi's Address To The United Nations (2009)

When Libya was no longer considered an international pariah, it was allowed to express itself  on the international stage. Qaddafi addressed the UN in 2009. His speech was a significant one. Muammar Qaddafi eloquently exposes the contradictions of the supranational organization. The United Nations has not prevented conflict, but increased it. The DRC, Yugoslavia, the African Central Republic, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, and Haiti have been victims of intervention. Qaddafi states in his address " that there should be equality among nations." There has never been equality among nations in the organization. The West dominates the UN. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the US has used the UN to justify military aggression. Qaddafi proposed that the Security Council be open to all nations. The African Union, Arab League, ASEAN, and other regional supranational organizations should have representation. The only way some form of peace can be sustained is if the superpower monopoly is dismantled in the UN. No nation has the right to dominate other countries. Yet, the US, UK, France, Italy, and Germany do this to African, Asian, and South American nations. The global south has been constantly attacked by sanctions, warfare, and neocolonialism. Weak and poor nations are at the mercy of the ICC, US, and the IAEA. This address exposes the brutality of the trusteeship system after World War II and past colonization. The UN is not humanitarian, but seeks to advance imperialist agendas.It is up to the people of the global south to resist the West and have the vision of freedom continue.    

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