Sunday, January 25, 2015

Religion Is Not Above Criticism

When one lives in a free society,  open criticism is allowed. Politics, cultural mores, and other controversial topics are subjects that can be discussed. However, religion is a taboo subject to criticize in intellectual discourse or in public. This enables fanaticism and the suppression of  critical thinking. It gives individuals a license to abuse others and justify unethical behavior. Religious figures then hide behind a claim that criticism is "offensive." Just like any other ideology, religion should be subject to scrutiny. The negative reactions to such examination only proves that religion is against free speech, individualism, and critical thinking.
         The religious establishment has been hostile to free speech. Controversy has emerged when depictions of  the prophet Muhammad appear. This is considered idolatry and a major offense. The religious right in the United States want any mention of human evolution in science textbooks removed. Their argument is that their is only one creator who made existence as described in the Book  of Genesis. Reactionary groups seek to silence opposing view points. Depicting Muhammad becomes an act of "hatred" and saying human evolution is factual can now be considered "anti-Christian."  People love free speech until it is something they do not want to hear. While the extremely pious claim their faith is under attack, they direct hatred toward other groups. Sermons of  right-wing pastors condemn homosexuality and demonize gay people. This by definition would be hate speech. It is accepted, because religious figures are doing it. When legitimate criticism is directed at them, then there is commotion.
            Individualism is a concept that is highly valued in a free society. Religious fanatics and reactionaries do not value it at all. They actively seek its destruction. Organized religion cannot survive unless it is collectivist and conformist in behavior. If this is not imposed, people will leave the congregation. All the major world religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism has some form of schism, which resulted in numerous sects. People thinking for themselves becomes a threat to organized religion. Some followers of these faiths are required to restrain themselves and natural impulses for decision making. Women are expected to be obedient and submissive to male authority. in most religions. Judaism has traditionally had a strong patriarchal foundation. Islam just like Judaism has a similar perspective. Christianity specifically Catholicism, will not allow women to have authority roles in the Church. The Catholic Church still refuses to allow women to be priests. Not only does it show disdain for individual freedom, but a culture of discrimination.Dissent is the ultimate expression of individualism. Religion is incompatible with individualism.  
          Critical thinking is not encouraged by the religious establishment. The reason is that it will unravel the unstable foundation in which it rests. When it comes to questioning the existence of God, blind faith will be promoted. This is one topic a follower should never doubt. It is difficult to say there is a being that loves us all. A majority of the population is starving, victims of mass violence, and struggling to survive. One should question God's existence when seeing endless human suffering . It seems as if humans are all alone to fend for themselves. The claim by the pious is that the Lord is testing you. The hardships now will only lead to heaven. Blindly, many people are convinced of this. People who dared to question dogma were either ostracized or threatened with death. The Protestant Reformation demonstrated religion's hostility to critical thinking. The schism between Sunni and Shia Muslims was another example in the history of theological discourse. Religion is so resistant to critical thinking that it is intolerant of other religions. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam do not respect the other's convictions or culture. Non-believers are either infidels, gentiles, or heathens. There is nothing wrong with having a different belief system. It is questionable ethics to say your viewpoint is superior and needs to be imposed on others.  
            The world now revolves around science, commerce, and technology. Religion will most likely not disappear, because it has been with man since the earliest periods of human history. The modern day organized religion has become a tool of control. The manipulation of emotions and behaviors has become simple by inducing religion into public conversation. Far beyond controlling people, it became lethal. Zionism an expansionist ideology, uses religion to justify annexation and the abuse of the Palestinian population. Radical political Islamism is threatening the stability of Arab nations. The social conservatives of America want to ban abortion, women's rights, and dismantle the free exercise clause. Religious fundamentalists pose a major challenge to a free society. Ignoring them will not solve the problem. Concerned individuals must criticize and expose abuse. Religion must be subject to examination just like any other philosophical, social or political idea.  

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