Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Italy-Africa Summit


Italy is seeking further economic investment in the Africa continent. What Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni seeks to do is make Italy a gateway for energy transport. The obstacle to this is the issue of migration. Her government came to power on a platform that was anti-immigration and anti-migrant. The suspicion related to these talks is that Italy will benefit, while African nations will be exploited economically. Doing this will only cause more immigration. Italy also must consider bring people from other nations in the event of labor shortages. Italy along with EU officials have promised 5.5 billion  euros to enhance economic ties. A total of 45 African nations were represented at the summit. Meloni's Mattei plan seeks to make Italy a major player in the energy sector. The Russia-Ukraine War is a factor in this renew interest in energy deals with Africa. It would not be possible for Europe to completely get off Russian energy in just a few years. Prime Minister Meloni expressed that bolstering industry and agriculture in Africa could stop mass migration. This would encourage youth not to immigrate to Europe. The statements are to most African leaders empty promises. The Italy-Africa summit demonstrated that Europe needs Africa. The change in energy prices and geopolitical shifts reveal the EU reliance on the continent. What the African Union must do is attain an agreement that gives them the most benefit. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is not about the economic empowerment of Africa. The objective is to bolster the state energy company Eni, while simultaneously making Italy pivotal to natural gas.  Eni is more dependent on Algeria, Libya, and Egypt. Libya remains unstable, but Algeria and Egypt could wield enormous power over Italy. Energy should be used as a method to force European nations to change policies. Only then can AU nations get desirable economic agreements.  

Thursday, January 25, 2024

South Africa's International Court of Justice Case Against Israel


South Africa has filed an International Court of Justice case against Israel. The Israel-Gaza War has been seen by most African states as an extension of settler colonialism. What South Africa argues is that Israel is engaging in a genocide in Gaza. Israel denies that it is committing atrocities, but reports are showing growing numbers of civilian deaths. Hamas does not have the ability to defeat Israel or depose its government. What is happening is deportation and murder of the population of Gaza. Arab states have not done much to stop Israel's aggression. The Gulf monarchies are aligned with the West so their inaction is expected. Syria cannot effectively fight considering it has not won the civil war. Subject to bombings by Israel, Syria would need to be unified again to be formidable. Iran , the Houthi rebels, and Hezbollah are the only forces capable of stopping Israeli expansion. Arab states could have easily done what South Africa did. If Egypt does the same, it might convince others to follow. South Africa's ICJ case has another motivation. Israel was an ally of Apartheid South Africa. The Apartheid regime and Israel had economic agreements. They were doing weapons exchanges and expanding the arms industry . Both countries were also exchanging nuclear weapons technology. Under Apartheid, Jews were deemed white and were not subject to the same restrictions as the black population. Israel in public condemned the Apartheid regime in the 1950s and 1960s. The reality was that it was collaborating with it and was only making statements to not endanger relations with newly independent African  states. The shift came with the Yom Kippur War when most African states developed a more negative view of Israel. The conquest and theft of land reminded many leaders of their anti-colonial struggles. The embrace of Prime Minister John Vorster by Israel demonstrated the country had no respect for human rights. The ICJ case is punishment for the past relationship with the Apartheid regime. South Africans experienced apartheid and there is no desire to see it emerge in another part of the world. This is why South Africa will side with the Palestinian cause. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Concerns About Liberian President Joseph Boakai


Joseph Boakai's presidential inauguration was cur short. The president was suffering from heat stroke, which required his speech to be cut short. Opposition parties  have raised  the concern about President Boakai's age. At 79 years old, he is one of Liberia's oldest presidents. Older leaders are common on the African continent. The issue relates to energy and fitness for office. Health becomes a concern for a head of state and matters of succession must be taken into account. Adding an age limit for political office would be discriminatory. An age requirement to obtain office is as well. That does assumes that younger people are not ready to be leaders. At some point, the youth must be allowed to continue the work of governance. Yet, longtime establishment politicians refuse to retire. The inability to at least accept some change or reform makes most establishment political figures seem out of touch. Joseph Boakai has served as vice president, so he understands the Liberian political system. The question remains is whether or not he will do something different with his administration. A run off election was required for him to beat George Weah. This means that the country is still divided along particular political lines. The world is having a concern with aging leadership, which clings to power. Age might bring political experience, but it become apparent that older leaders are not open to new ideas. President Joseph Boakai has not proposed anything innovative. When the public votes for an older head of state health, worldview, and  openness to new ideas must be considered. 

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Emergent Conflict Between Iran and Pakistan


Iran and Pakistan have been conducting airstrikes into each others territory. The escalation is the result of border disputes and alleged militant activity in Balochistan. Pakistan could be in a vulnerable position considering its major adversary India is on its eastern border. The Taliban came back to power in Afghanistan, which  also poses complications. Iran's target was the group known as Jaish al-Adl. The objective of this terrorist organization is the independence of Baluchestan and Sisten province. Jaish al-Adl operates between borders. This is similar to how armed groups operate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda. Pakistan and Iran have a common enemy in armed groups and terrorist organizations. However,  bilateral relations are strained by attacking these organizations within certain areas. Iran's strike caused civillian death, which caused much anger in Pakistan. While both are Muslim countries, they follow different sects of the religion. Iran is an Islamic Republic, while Pakistan is a federal parliamentary republic. The military has influence over government like Thailand or Myanmar. The geopolitics are significant, but one element gets overshadowed. The Baluch people desire national self determination. The ethnic group can be found in Iran, Pakistan, and Iran. Their grievances relate to economic inequality and cases of discrimination. The reason for joining armed groups or terrorist organizations is that Iran and Pakistan do not address their hardships. The situation of the Baluchs parallels  that of the Kurds in Iraq, Syria, Turkey ,  and Iran.  Pakistan and Iran are heading for a dramatic decline in diplomatic relations. The fear is a wider war between the two countries. 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Coretta Scott King Supports Gay Rights


Coretta Scott King was a civil rights activist, singer, and author who fought for equality in American society. When her husband was assassinated, she continued his work in the fight for social justice. Gay rights were controversial in American society. Coretta Scott King was an ally of the LGBTQ community at a time when most Americans viewed them as deviants. A portion of homophobic sentiment came from Churches. Coretta Scott King's argument was that discrimination  against gays and lesbians was unjust. A free and democratic society should not discriminate against people based on race, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation. One of the criticisms directed at civil rights leaders was that should focus solely on racial justice. When any group is singled out for discrimination all who are concerned about human rights should come to their aid. Coretta Scott King spent her life fighting for those who could not fight for themselves. By the early 21st century marriage equality was attained. While progress had been made, conservative backlash remained. 

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Use of Paxlovid For COVID-19


The anti-viral drug Paxlovid is available for use. There are tight controls of the medication. The intent of its creation was to help people with severe COVID-19. Some patients may have extreme reactions to particular vaccines and a pill could be a solution. The debate comes with what was stated previously. The vaccines produced were safe and effective, so Paxlovid is unnecessary. Booster shots exist for fighting new variants. Pfizer has been producing mRNA vaccines to fight COVID-19. If the mRNA technology is truly effective, Paxlovid  would not be needed. The only time for such a drug would be in emergency situations. Paxlovid is two drugs which contains nimatreviler and ritonavir. The complication comes with individuals on multiple medications. All of them are going to interact in the body. A patient would have to tell their doctor of  all the medications they take. They would then have to determine a way to avoid  harmful effects from the interactions between medications. The recommendation for Paxlovid is that anyone 12 and up can be given the drug. Those who are 50 or with comorbidities can be given Paxlovid. What Pfizer appears to be doing is putting a product out on the market for the sake of profit. No reports of adverse effects have appeared. Considering Pfizer did not test their vaccines for transmission, distrust from the public remains. A person who was vaccinated could still spread the virus. The CDC reported that COVID-19 deaths spiked in December of 2023. This was not due to the lack of medications or treatment. The healthcare system is on the verge of collapse. Medicine price remains too high for a population with stagnant wages. Pharmaceutical corporations need more regulation to prevent unethical business practices. The long term effects of Paxlovid are not known. The fact the drug got FDA approval demonstrates that it is pharmaceutical  corporations dictating public health policy. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Israel Proposes Moving Refugees From Gaza To The DRC


Israel's war on Gaza has created refugees. The government wants the Arab population in Gaza to be reduced, but the obstacle is that Egypt will not accept Palestinians fleeing war. According to the Times of Israel   the Netanyahu government was in talks to has Palestinians deported there. This came with the denial from the DRC. Rumors that Israel is in talks with Chad and Rwanda have not been confirmed. The only African countries that could take refugees are Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. Libya is too unstable to take any more people. Geographically, North Africa is closer and therefore a better option. If  the proposal is actually genuine it confirms that ethnic cleansing is Israeli policy. The attacks on refugee camps and forced removals are egregious human rights violations. The United Nations has not imposed sanctions, even though Israel has attacked their facilities in Gaza. Israel has met every definition of rouge state and still can commit war crimes. As the prospect of a wide regional war looms, refugee traffic will come to Europe. Europe was unable to cope with the refugee crisis from the Arab Spring. Another wave could more if Lebanon and Iran are involved. Most Palestinians do not want to leave their country. What Israel intends to do is destroy the two state solution and annex the land the would have been independent. When Gaza is absorbed, the West Bank will be next. The DRC should never accept any negotiations with Israel. To do so would be acting as an accomplice in criminal actions. The DRC struggles with armed groups and displaced people. Taking refugees would not be possible.     

Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Somaliland Port Agreement Dispute


Ethiopia and Somalia are in a dispute over sea access. Somaliland is a self-governing break away region. Somalia sees the leasing of the sea port in Berbera as a means to balkanize the country. The agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland is a lease for a naval base. The lease will last for 50 years with the purpose of commercial operations. Another part of the agreement is recognition of Somaliland as its own nation. This makes Somalia vexed and also concerned other nations will give Somaliland recognition. The Port of Berbera has been a significant investment for Ethiopia. This is not the first time Somaliland engaged in economic agreements without Mogadishu. The United Arab Emirates has also invested in the Berbera Port. Ethiopia will have access to Red Sea and the Suez Canal. The opportunity to expand trade with Europe could help Ethiopia. Somalia if it loses Somaliland will suffer economically. If Somalia was unified, it could benefit from its sea access. The concern is that Mogadishu could send troops to forcibly take Somaliland back. Ethiopia has fought the TPLF and has been involved in African Union missions in Somalia. Economics are going to be a source of tension between Ethiopia and Somalia. Ethiopia needs to approach the situation with caution. There is a fragile peace with Eritrea, internal tension with the Tigray, and disputes with Egypt over the Nile River. If there is going to be economic growth and development it needs to include the entire Horn of Africa. Ethiopia should not make agreements with de-facto states or disputed territories. Recognizing self-governing break away regions does undermine Somalia's national sovereignty. Doing this might get Ethiopia fast sea access, but creates an enemy. Djibouti must be a mediator in the dispute between Ethiopia, Somalia, and the status of Somaliland. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Remembering John Pilger


John Pilger ( 1939-2023)  was a journalist, reporter, and documentary filmmaker who challenged the establishment narratives. Pilger came to prominence covering the Vietnam War and the  Cambodian genocide. The Australian journalist came into reporting when media giants did not have such dominance. Based in the UK, John Pilger's career began before NewsCorp had become a monopolizing force in news. John Pilger through his reporting exposed human rights abuses in Bangladesh and Biafran War. He was an advocate for Aboriginal rights . His criticism of the US, UK, and Australia for military intervention was bold considering current sentiments. The War on Terror resulted in civilian deaths, but reporters questioning the wars were condemned. Pilger was not afraid to call the Iraq War and the invasion of Afghanistan as imperial projects. During his final years Pilger was a critic of the West's shift to an anti-Russian and anti-Chinese foreign policy. The mainstream media acts as a public relations firm to the government. John Pilger's frustration with the mainstream media was that it did not confront or challenge official foreign policy positions. The BBC has been accused of bias, but claims to be impartial. John Pilger was based in the UK for most of his life and discovered during his long decades career that one narrative is promoted. The notion that the US, UK, and Australia are promoting freedom and human rights is presented in news. Although it is fiction the message is prevalent in both liberal and conservative media outlets. John Pilger spent his life debunking this false narrative. What he leaves behind is a large body of work and a blueprint for the alternative media. John Pilger's use of documentary filmmaking was effective in persuasive argument. Documentary films are a tool in which those who seek to challenge the establishment must utilize.