Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Paris Peace Conference (1919)


After World War I, the Allies carved up the colonies of the Central Powers. The German Empire, The Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire no longer existed. New states emerged in Europe. The Russian Empire transformed into the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution. Asian and African colonies of Germany and Turkey were taken over by France and the British Empire. The mistake of the Paris Peace Conference was that it kept European colonial  imperialism intact. The British Empire and France saw  the conference as a way to expand their territory. France insisted on harsh punishment for Germany. The War Guilt Clause placed most of the blame on Germany. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was more responsible for the outbreak due to its actions in Serbia. The footage shows the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. It went into effect in 1920. Italy even though it fought with the Allies got little of what it was promised. African and Asian independence movements were ignored and not invited to the Paris Peace Conference. Racism and European domination of the globe was to be preserved. The penalties of the Treaty of  Versailles and economic crisis created an atmosphere for fascism to rise. The war to end all wars would lead to another violent conflict in 1939.    

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