Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hassan Nasrallah Accuses The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and US of Arming ISIS ( 2022)


Israel assassinated Hezbollah general secretary Hassan Nasrallah. The targeted assassinations only increase the chances of a wider regional war.  Hassan Nasrallah would make broadcasts in Lebanon discussing various regional and international affairs. A broadcast from 2022  asserted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States armed ISIS. This has been confirmed. The intent was to get ISIS factions to depose the government of Bashir Al-Assad. Nasrallah also notes that ISIS activity was violent in Iraq. The reason Israel is aggressively going after Hezbollah is due to it being formidable. The reason Saudi Arabia would favor ISIS armed groups is because of Syria and Hezbollah's alliance with Iran. The Islamic Republic came into existence by the removal of the monarchy. Saudi Arabia fears a similar type of revolution could occur. Then there is discomfort of a majority Shia Muslim Iraq north of  its borders. The murder of Hezbollah leadership will not stop the conflict. Lebanon might be forced to go to war if more of its citizens are killed. Nasrallah was general secretary since 1992 and now a new leader will takeover. Hassan Nasrallah was not only a symbol to the Lebanese people, but was a popular figure among the Palestinian resistance. Public anger continues to grow in Iraq and Iran. The more Israel continues its airstrikes, the more isolated it will become internationally. The assassination of Hassan Nasrallah was condemned by Turkey, Iraq,  Russia, and South Africa.   

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