Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Safety Concerns About Ozempic


Ozempic is a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. Now it is being used for weight loss. The medication got FDA approval in 2017. Having FDA approval does not make a drug safe. Pharmaceutical corporations are able to get various products on the market that could be harmful. Deregulation and a Food and Drug Administration that flows the dictates of business allowed this. The side effects of Ozempic include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. Ozempic does not permanently eliminate weight problems. The drug has to be taken regularly to maintain a certain weight. Which means a person using it could regain the weight they lost. Exercise and a change in diet would be more effective. The effects of long term use is unknown. Ozempic could possibly cause kidney, gall bladder, and pancreas related issues. Most drugs on the market have side effects that could result in other health concerns. The dieting and weight loss industry wants a medication on the market. A weight loss drug would be profitable. The problem is corporations do not care about consumer safety. Side effects of drugs are classified as either mild or severe. A certain amount of severe side effects has to be present for a drug to be removed from the market. Ozempic has not yet met those conditions. The FDA must reconsider the use of Ozempic as a weight loss drug.   

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