Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The ICC Pressures Mongolia On President Vladimir Putin's Visit


Mongolia hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin. Mongolia is an ICC member, but refused to arrest him. The warrant for his arrest was issued in 2023. The International Criminal Court has been criticized for being biased in charges and undermining national sovereignty of various countries. Mongolia wants to expand economic ties. This visit was not an endorsement of the Russia-Ukraine War. Most Asian and African nations want a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The EU nations continue to send arms. The ICC pressure on Mongolia just undermines the Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh presidency. Not arresting President Putin shows that Mongolia has an independent foreign policy. Mongolia does not exist to serve the ICC or European Union. If there is to be a system of international law, it should be applied to all nations. The International Criminal Court targets African and Asian leaders, while European leaders are exempt. Russia is at the moment, the only European country subject to the ICC  warrant. It has nothing to do with abuses in Ukraine, but to get access to Russian energy. A collapsed Russian Federation would mean certain natural resources could be obtained. President  Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh might have to reevaluate Mongolia being an ICC member. Forcing other leaders to arrest heads of state could cause legal and political complications.  

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