Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The European Union 2024 Elections


Europe is moving in the direction of the far-right. Much of this was predicted based on economic and political issues, The 2008 financial crisis created much social stress and it was followed by the refugee crisis. The Arab Spring since 2010 has caused massive waves of those fleeing countries in a state of war or subject to regime change. The issue persisted and far-right political parties exploited it to their advantage. When the Russia-Ukraine War broke out sanctions were imposed. This had an opposite effect, because Europe is dependent on Russian energy. The economic hardship that followed that policy caused unemployment and inflation. The citizens of EU countries lashed out by electing far-right parties in the 2024 EU elections. Political centrism is not going to stop the growing discontent across Europe. The voters are getting more vexed with a political establishment that does not respond t their needs. This might explain why French President Emmanuel Macron called for snap elections. France is seeing a similar phenomenon in domestic politics. Many times far-right parties claim to have moderated their views. The tactic is designed to deceive voters of true intentions. The new far-right would not be fascist by definition. Analysts of political science call them populist, but the term is not specific enough for this shift. The precise term is xenophobic nativist nationalism. Those who have been active in politics for a number of years still do not comprehend the nature of this movement. Either it could become a serious threat to democratic institutions or a fringe movement regulated to forgotten history. Political conditions are not so turbulent that a totalitarian system could emerge. Under extreme economic and social distress it can. The European left must become formidable enough to challenge the establishment, centrist,  and the new xenophobic nativist nationalism movement. Otherwise the far-right parties are going to become more powerful.    

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