Friday, June 14, 2024

Senator Joseph Biden Explains The Motivation For Support of Israel (1986)


As the Israel-Hamas War continues many Americans are becoming frustrated with President Biden's approach to the conflict. It becomes more evident that his administration cares little about the deaths in Gaza. Those in his cabinet refuse to even call it ethnic cleansing. Biden at the time a senator in 1986 explained why the US supports Israel no matter what crimes it commits. Israel only exists  to serve US interests in the Middle East. The myth of a moral obligation related to the Holocaust was promoted to the public. Israel was used to halt pan-Arab nationalist movements, Islamism, and anti-colonial politics. What President Biden stated was that if Israel did not exist, the US would have to create some type of puppet state. US interests in West Asia relate to control of oil and a concern about energy. Based on Biden's comments in the Senate in 1986, it explains the support now. Despite attacking hospitals and refugee camps the Biden administration continues to send aid and weapons. The Biden administration is showing anti-Arab racism and it is alienating numerous voters. President Joseph Biden's support for Israel shows a long pattern in his political career. He is willing to support Israel, even if it could cost him the 2024 election. Billions are contributed for the Zionist project. These funds would best be used repairing infrastructure or for public schools. Instead funds are used to contribute to the  Israeli war machine. President Biden claimed it was a wise investment. Decades later, the alliance is more of a liability. More Arab states are getting vexed at Israel's human rights abuse. President Biden ignores all objections to his foreign policy.  

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