Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Julian Assange Set To Be Released From Prison


The attempts of the US governments persecution of Julian Assange could be coming to an end. The plea deal allows 17 changes against Assange related to espionage to be dropped. Part of the plea deal is that Assange pleads guilty to one charge. The case shows that there is no evidence he was conducting espionage or working on the behalf of a foreign power. Assange is an Australian citizen and the US criminal charges against him would have legal implications with his home country. Prime Minister  Anthony Albanese condemned the US attempt to have him extradited.  Julian Assange has done nothing criminal and was forced into Belmarsh Prison. While incarcerated in the UK Assange was put into solitary confinement. There is enough evidence to show his basic human rights were violated. The Espionage Act charge does not hold. What Assange released on Wikileaks were diplomatic cables. These were not classified documents. A diplomatic cable would not be sensitive information revealing national security related  intelligence.  Chelsea Manning has access to classified documents, not Assange. Wikileaks was able to reveal the war crimes of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan. The extent of murder and violence was largely censored in American mainstream media.  There have not been criminal charges of officials in the Bush or Obama administration related to those crimes. As Assange returns to Australia a growing concern about his safety is felt. Julian Assange has suffered mental and physical health decline related to his imprisonment. It might take a longtime for him to recover from 11 years of being a political prisoner. His release was a triumph for advocates of free press and independent journalism. 

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