Friday, April 26, 2019

Kim Jung Un Meets With Vladmir Putin

Russian President Vladmir Putin met with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un on Thursday, April 25. The discussions ranged from talks regarding North Korea's nuclear weapons program and economic matters. The Russian Federation has been considering investing in the Asian nation in areas such as infrastructure. What Russia has discovered is that North Korea will only relinquish its nuclear programme, if there is a guarantee that there will be no US military intervention. Secretary of State Mike Pomeo has expressed his desire to continue negotiations, but US foreign policy is more so a hindrance to a possible peace. The US focus on North Korea may not have anything to do with nuclear weapons, rather a geopolitical competition with China. North Korea is very dependent on China and it has been Chinese policy to not let it fall out of its sphere of influence. South Korea has a similar situation with the United States. The only way a solution will be realized is when both North and South Korea collaborate on common issues. Their major problem is two large powers US and China using the Korean peninsula as another battleground  in a larger war of proxy. Kim Jong Un may be attempting to use Russia as an alternative to China, if they once more vote for sanctions in the United Nations. Vladmir Putin wants to undermine US influence by getting more active in North Korea, Venezuela, and Ukraine. The Trump administration has used threats, then vague promises to encourage denuclearization. The last summit ended abruptly in Vietnam with no consensus reached. What could happen is that the Russian Federation would along with China fulfill  security pacts with North Korea in exchange for ending nuclear weapons development. The situation becomes more tense as nations look more for excuses for conflict, rather than a sustainable peace.  

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