Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Juan Guaido Calls For Military Uprising

Opposition leader Juan Guaido has called for a military uprising. Protests have continued, but remained peaceful and this sudden urge for violence seems even more disturbing. Venezuela has been since 2002 a target of US interference due to its leftist political policies and relations with Cuba. The Trump administration has become more hostile imposing sanctions and threatening Cuba. Juan Guaido has attempted to present himself as a freedom fighter stopping an oppressive government. It is no longer a secret that Guaido is being used a tool for regime change in the South American nation. President Nicolas Maduro since entering office faced numerous political and economic challenges. The socialism from above model has failed to ensure security for the majority of the population. Oil wealth could solve Venezuela's problems, if the current sanctions were not harming the country. Under President Hugo Chavez poverty reduction and the increase of social services were a priority. The Bush administration at the time antagonized the Venezuela, because it opposed US geopolitical objectives in Latin America. So far, Russia and Cuba have provided assistance against a US plot to depose the legitimate government. There now is the threat of civil war and the result could be a massive influx of refugees into neighboring countries. South America has suffered on multiple occasions human rights abuse from the United States and this could be another part of the long historical saga. If Guaido some how manages to take over by force, citizens should not expect to see improvements in living standards. A massive conflict will only harm Venezuela and  its people. The leftist governments of Latin America are under attack and it is apparent that Nicaragua, Bolivia , or Cuba could be next.     

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