Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Development of The Tungsten Encased Nuclear Reactor


A new fusion record has been set by the tungsten tokamak WEST. The development of tungsten encased nuclear fusion reactors could become a more efficient method of energy generation. The device located at the Princeton Physics Plasma Laboratory was able to hold hot fusion  plasma at 50 million degrees Celsius for six minutes. In order to generate power for a grid, the plasma has to be hot and dense. If the research continues, there might be fusion reactors that will be commercially available. The efforts of the Coordination on International on Long Duration Operation have produced favorable results.  Prior to this experiments did utilized graphite titles. The device that used that material was the Tore Supra. Tungsten is favorable because it retains less fuel. However, the limitation is that it cane make the plasma cool. Keeping a certain amount of heat is needed for energy generation. Technological barriers and physics challenges do prevent fusion reactors from being used for power. Tokamak WEST will require more adjustments to be able to be connected to a large power grid. The tungsten walls are going to be the most important development in nuclear technology. As fusion reactors advance further, considerations for tungsten mining should be made. China, the United Kingdom, Rwanda , Vietnam, and Russia are going to have to increase tungsten mining. These countries are the major producers of the element. Production would have to increase dramatically if fusion reactors are going into regular use. At the moment the machinery requires more advancement. The news demonstrates that fusion reactors are not theoretical. The devices have reached a phase of applied science.  

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