Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Paris 2024 Olympics Will Begin July 26th


The summer games will be held in Paris. France does have internal difficulties related to the economy and domestic politics. Labor disputes and the controversy over retirement age are still ongoing. The 2024 Olympics is not going to be isolated from international events. Russia and Belarus are being treated differently from other countries. The reason is due to the Russia-Ukraine War. The measures taken could be argued as discriminatory. The IOC has stated that Russian and Belarusian athletes cannot compete as neutrals or individuals. Belarus has not engaged in any combat operations against Ukraine. It did allow Russian troops to move through its territory, but no Belarussians did not invade. The IOC measure  is discrimination based on national origin. No such restrictions would be placed on the UK, France, or US for NATO action in Libya or Afghanistan. Double standards and contradictions will cast a shadow over the Olympics. This will make it more difficult to make the Olympics politically neutral. Europe is no longer going to be stable. The IOC should then think about getting either African, Latin American, or Asian cities to host. France might think that hosting the games will provide an economic boost. While tourism can do this, the games last for only a certain time frame. The amount of labor to build stadiums and infrastructure does create jobs. Yet, that gain in the construction sector is temporary. The Olympics only can be of value in improving France's international image. This might not work due to the actions in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger. The sports spectators are going to be seeing more than just athletic events. Tension between nations is going to be present. Israel's participation will generate objection. The IOC might in the future try to ban China or Iran. France hosting the Olympic games creates complications beyond its borders.   

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