Russell Means was an activist and co-founder of the American Indian Movement. He fought for the rights and dignity of the indigenous people of the US. Here Russell Means testifies before a Senate Committee in 1989, explaining the corruption in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Historically, the Native American has been subject to genocide, racism, and discrimination. The worst element of this was that culture was eliminated in favor of a Western value system. Native American reservations like the Pine Ridge Reservation, are areas of high poverty. American Indians struggle to maintain their language and rich culture. Unemployment and limited opportunities plague young people. Native Americans have been victims of environmental racism in which waste materials of been disposed of on their land. The American Indian faces an issue of dual citizenship. Being a member of a tribal nation and also being a US citizen.The only way for the American Indian to advance is to be a full member of American society. While the reservation system allows autonomy, its true purpose was to segregate and contain the Native American population.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Psychology can best be described as a science that examines behavior and mental processes. The word has its origins in ancient Greek. The word psyche means mind in that language. This science does have an element of controversy. Some theories are difficult to test with the scientific method. However, psychology to be truly scientific it must observe internal mental process. Neuroscience and neuroanatomy has been helpful in this regard. Thought, emotion, movement, and attributes of personality are considered part of a mental process. Modern psychology puts emphasis on verifiable evidence and experimentation. Psychology has a negative past of either promoting eugenic or pseudoscientific ideas. These range from determining intelligence to claims of racial superiority. Pseudopsychology uses the language of the academic discipline, but does not utilize the scientific method. Outrageous claims made by astrologers and fortune tellers fall under pseudopsychology. There belief is that the mind is a gateway to the paranormal. It is one of many subjects like intelligent design that has no basis in fact. Psychologists fall into three major categories. Experimental psychologists are know for being involved in research with the goal of discovering new knowledge. Teachers of psychology are educators sharing their knowledge with students at the secondary and tertiary school level. Applied psychologists are employed in both the private and public sector. They work to solve issues in schools, clinics, factories, social services, and various agencies. Psychology should not be confused with psychiatry. That field examines mental disorders from a medical perspective. They diagnose and believe mental illness can be cured. This seems questionable, because there is still much to learn about the elements and aspects of mental illness. Psychology like any other academic field has major factions. There are six perspectives that exist in psychology. The six perspectives include biological, cognitive, behavioral, whole-person (humanistic), developmental, and sociocultural.
The biological perspective can be traced back to the ideas of Rene Descartes. The 17th century philosopher stated that the spiritual mind was a separate entity. To him there was a distinction between the physical and mental aspects of an individual. It was previously thought that mind and body were of one unit. Descartes reasoning led him to the conclusion that consciousness was not the product of supernatural force. This realization allowed for a revolution in the study of biology, which would give birth to psychology. The biological perspective sees the mind as a product of the brain and its numerous functions.
The rise of neurology, advances in medicine, and brain imagining techniques the knowledge of the human brain has become more expansive. A sub-branch developed known as evolutionary psychology. Some have issues with this branch due to claims that appear to reference a eugenic past. Yet, this branch should not be discredited due to some unsubstantiated theories. Human beings had evolved for millions of years and this should be examined when approaching the dynamics of the mind.
The cognitive perspective focuses on the aspects of human thought. William Wundt was the first to use methods of science to uncover the mysteries of the mind. Wundt had an interest in chemistry and believed that psychology could use methods from that discipline. Wundt at the University of Leipzig began conducting experiments in 1879. What he was attempting to discover was the elements of consciousness. This gave birth to experimental psychology. Along with his students he was exploring attributes such as perception, sensation, memory, attention, emotion, thinking, language, and learning. Edward Bradford Titchener who was a student of Wundt developed structuralism. Structuralism sought to discover the components and units that constitute the mind. Although structuralist ideas were criticized, their methods are still in use. Other methods and concepts arose from psychologists in the 20th century. William James challenged structuralism with functionalism. This idea believed mental processes can be deciphered by adaptive purpose and their specific function.
William James thought that studying emotion was imperative. Emotions could explain the relations between the body and various behaviors. To James understanding how the mind adapts to different environments should be emphasized. Functionalist became the first in a way to use applied psychology. While structuralism and functionalism disagreed on many theories, they had a consensus in regards to introspection. This concept describes one's ability to understand their conscious mental experiences.
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William James |
The problem with the early cognitive perspective was that it was too subjective in some cases. Introspective methods were not entirely testable. Technological advancement aided the cognitive perspective. The rise of information technology such as computers gave people a greater understanding of cognition. Computers like the human mind, process information. The idea of the brain being like an organic information processing machine influenced psychology immensely. The modern cognitive perspective borrows from linguistics, medicine, and computer science. From cognitive psychology evolved cognitive neuroscience. Now with the knowledge of biology the mind and the true nature of behavior is being uncovered.
The third perspective is known as behavioral. This perspective challenged the idea of introspection that was favored by structuralists and functionalists. The behavioral perspective is not concerned with emotions or mental abstractions, but observable actions. John B. Watson an early behaviorist thought the only way for psychology to be credible was to examine responses and stimuli . The notion is that the environment has an influence on behavior and response. The argument of behaviorism was that there is no evidence or method to prove the mind exists. This idea of the mind is an abstraction with no basis in anatomy or biomedical science.
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John B. Waston |
Watson argued that observation was the best method to understanding human function. B.F Skinner would also be a leading figure in the behaviorist movement. Psychology is not an inner experience, but an external one. Skinner put emphasis on the laws that govern behavior through stimuli and responses. This goes beyond responses and stimuli, but the consequences of behaviors. B.F Skinner developed operant conditioning which demonstrates the role of consequences on behaviors. People will behave differently according to possible consequences. Children for example will behave differently if there is possible reward involved. If the a child does engages in some misbehavior, a punishment will follow. Therefore a child that is disciplined by parents will stop or modify behavior to avoid punishment.
B.F Skinner |
The possible consequences of a behavior are the most important aspect to a behaviorist. The behaviorists did not put emphasis on the unconscious. They doubted it existed. To other psychologist it was something tangible.
The psychodynamic perspective has a desire to uncover the elements of the unconscious mind. Sigmund Freud was the proponent of this school of thought.Sigmund Freud was not actually trained as a psychologist, but had a background in medicine. His ideas would lead to the development of psychotherapy. Freud believed the route of mental illness was rooted in the unconscious mind. Our past experiences are molded by our unconscious. Freud was convinced the mind had three sections. They were the id, the ego, and the superego. The id was the representation of desires. The superego controlled behaviors and regulated inhibition. These elements constituted the human psyche. Freud developed psychoanalysis, which used a technique known as free association. This was designed to have individuals speak and reveal clues to get to the heart of their unconscious.
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Sigmund Freud |
There are problems with this theory. The first is that the elements of the psyche cannot be observed as physical entities. It is difficult to demonstrate in a laboratory that psychoanalysis can survive the scientific method. Freud also claimed that sex was a major motivator behind human behavior. While there is some truth to that, it is not the only factor. Freud's theories have been challenged over the years, but still are used by psychiatrists. The psychodynamic perspective focused on the unconscious , but ignored the varied nature of individuals.
The humanistic perspective sought to understand people as individuals and how they strive for different goals. People are constantly trying to reach their potential. This process is known as self-actualization. The leading figures in this humanistic concept were Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers . This perspective focused on the development human ability, potential, and its gradual growth through out a person's life. Human self-concept and awareness shape emotions, thoughts, and how an individual functions. Maslow and Rogers thought that psychology got too mechanical and examining human beings requires more of a sociological approach. The basis of human nature and free will cannot be explained by psychodynamic or behavioral theories.
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Abraham Maslow |
Again, there are problems when it cannot be experimentally verified. Maslow's hierarchy of needs has not been proven to be fact. It starts with physiological needs such as food or shelter. The second need is safety. This is followed by love and the need to belong. When these needs are met, then a person develops a sense of self-esteem. The final stage is full self actualization. The model has been criticized as being too simplistic and not accounting for a wide range of human experience. There could be a child who grew up poor, but rose to prominence ( a scientist, artist, writer, or leader) and reached self actualization. It seems as if this model is deterministic in viewpoint. It is not an entirely radical notion that most people want love and to be loved. Carl Rogers who was a therapist developed what is known as client-centered techniques.
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Carl Rogers |
This involved the therapist approaching a person with emotional warmth, respect, and developing an understanding of their issues. Talking about personal problems and having an empathetic exchange was the basis of client-centered therapy. Both Rogers and Maslow did not have a huge body of scientific research to enforce their theories. They did leave numerous writings that did influence practices in counseling and psychotherapy. Another branch of psychology that falls under the humanistic perspective is trait and temperament. Trait and temperament psychology states that personality and behavior are rooted in particular characteristics. Introversion and extraversion are two examples of traits that influence personality. Introverts are more to themselves, possibly bashful, and less likely to try new experiences. The extravert is more gregarious and not afraid to meet new people. While the humanistic approach can be descriptive, the lack experimental evidence hinders its credibility.
Psychologists realized that people do change over time. From birth to death an individual will not remain the same in mental state. The developmental perspective sought to answer why and how human beings change psychologically over an entire life span. The debate revolves around nature versus nurture. Developmental psychology does not perceive it as one or the other, but a combination of both. The idea is that people develop in a predictable manner. Being born, growing, and aging are predictable variables. Along with heredity and environment this can explain how a person develops psychologically. This is a cross section between biology and social interaction. Children were studied more than adults, due to the fact their development is rapid. They learn to walk, master speech, grow, and transition to adult through puberty. The changes continue into adulthood with menopause and andropause. Hormones and physiological changes to effect the mental state of a person overtime. Developmental psychologists are taking an interest in changes over an entire life time, rather than just childhood. As psychology progressed, there still were areas that required further investigation.
Psychology throughout most of its history was dominated by white males. This lead to racist theories, eugenics, and pseudoscience being presented as credible academia. Realizing that the work of non-white psychologists was either ignored or dismissed the sociocultural perspective was developed to challenge white domination in the field. Psychology was developed mostly in Europe and North America. Robert Gurthie's monograph Even the Rat Was White: A Historical View of Psychology exposed many of the baseless theories regarding racial superiority. The psychologists of the past had little interest in the cultures of African, Asian, or South American peoples. A positive development is that the number of non-white psychologists are increasing and using the sociocultural methods. Culture does influence behavior and psychology did not give this much attention. While environment and heredity are factors culture is an essential one. A notable concept that emerged from the sociocultural perspective was the power of the situation. Cultural forces are so powerful that they do influence behavior and mental state. The right of passage is cross cultural, but varies depending on location. Once a child reaches puberty, they are given a task to complete as a representation of their transition into adulthood. This practice prepares a child to take up new responsibilities that come with adulthood.
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Robert Gurthie |
Culture influences our belief systems and how individuals act with others. The sociocultural perspective goes beyond just ethnicity. It examines age, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, and religious affiliation. Psychology is a relatively young science and this is just the surface.
Psychology now has more influence than ever. Its techniques can be seen in advertising, education, medicine, sports, and entertainment. There are psychologists in various fields. The applied specialties include industrial and organizational psychologists, sports psychologists, engineering psychologists, school psychologists, rehabilitation psychologists, and clinical psychologists. Psychology for all the recent influence still struggles to legitimize itself as a science.Unlike physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and mathematics psychology does not have the experimental verification. The future is with neuroscience if psychology wants to be made part of the scientific family. Understanding the physiology of the human brain will legitimize psychology as a genuine science. Theoretical physics has a similar issue in regards to particles. This is solved by mathematical verification and particle accelerators. Multiple disciplines are required, when exact methods of experimentation are not available. There are many questions that still remain, but consciousness and the brain are not so simple.
Zimbardo, Phillip and McCann, Vivian. Psychology Core Concepts. New York: Pearson,2009.
Thomas-Cotingham,Alison. Psychology Made Simple. New York: The Phillip Lief Group, Inc,
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Paris Attacks: William Engdahl Explains the Past, Present and Future of the War in Syria
The roots of the recent attacks in Paris are the results of an imperialistic foreign policy. France by initiating airstrikes resulted in blow back from ISIS. The US and UK have a long history of financing armed groups and terrorist organizations for the purpose of destabilizing nations they want to control .The Muslim Brotherhood got assistance from the CIA to destabilize Gamal Nasser's Egypt. The US also armed the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to thwart Soviet attempts at restoring the communist regime in the 1980s. During the 1990s terrorist groups were utilized in Bosnia and Chechnya. The US now is arming various groups to depose Bashar Al-Assad. ISIS was fostered and developed by the US, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia as a way to stop the development of a Shia Muslim power block of nations. Iran, Iraq, and Syria were on the verge of constructing a major gas pipeline that would be serious competition for the energy market in the region. The desire to remove Assad has nothing to do with human rights or ISIS, but energy resources. The recent attacks in Paris will be used to justify France attempting to re-colonize Syria and Lebanon. What will happen in France itself is the reduction of civil liberties and basic rights in the name of national security.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
What to Expect From China and Taiwan Meeting
Since 1949, Chinese and Taiwanese leaders have not maintained positive diplomatic relations. When the Kuomintang was defeated and Chiang Kai-Shek established the Republic of Taiwan relations with the mainland have been hostile. A long civil war that lasted from 1927 to 1949 left much political national division. Mao Zedong declared the People's Republic of China in October 1949 under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party. The confrontation between the Kuomintang and the CCP predated the Cold War, but China and Taiwan would be drawn into Cold War tension. The US would support Taiwan with military aid and engage in acts of sabotage against Mao's China. Chiang Kai-Shek would become a Cold War ally and was determined to retake the mainland. With the end of the Chinese Civil War, there still was not peace. Conflicts emerged in a series of clashes over various islands from 1954 to 1955 and again in 1958. These were known as the Taiwan Straits incidents. As the 20th century drew to a close, China abandoned Maoism, embraced a market system, and emerged as a world power. Even though the Cold War has ended, there still is enmity between China and Taiwan. It has been 66 years of tension and conflict. It will take some time to foster cordial diplomatic relations. This will not be immediate. What China wants to do is draw Taiwan out of the influence of the United States. Taiwan sees that China is a rising power, with an economy it wants access to. Improving relations with Taiwan is pivotal, because the US has been directing its Asia pivot policy toward containing China. This meeting between Xi Jingping and Ma Ying-Jeou can serve as a symbol. Although Asian nations differ in their politics, they can collaborate on resolving common challenges. The major challenge is the growing US presence in Asia Pacific, which is creating division among nations in the region.
Xi Jingping and Ma Ying-Jeou met in Singapore. There are some obstacles to the talks. Taiwan sees its self as an independent nation-state, while the mainland wants to reunite with it. The People's Republic of China views it as a seceding province. There has been some improvement in relations, even collaboration in trade, tourism, and economic pacts. Since 2008 there has been a gradual effort to bring the two feuding nations to reconcile. The first high level talks were held around 1993, yet there are still issues. One sensitive issue was the South China Sea disputes. This was deliberately avoided during the talks.The reason for China's immediate urge to meet with Taiwan may be due to US provocations in the South China Sea. The US claims it is trying to defend the right of free navigation, but the geopolitical situation challenges this statement. The Philippines, Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam could be forming an anti-China US lead coalition. China most likely fears that Taiwan would be added to this emerging coalition. Cognizant of the previous straits incidents in the 20th century, discussing the South China Sea would complicate matters. The relationship between Taiwan and the US is a strange one. While the US does recognize the People's Republic of China, it still remains committed to defending Taiwan. However, Taiwan does not want to be a client state of the US or a tool in its foreign policy. Ma Ying-Jeou as president realized this meeting had to happen despite much protest from the Taiwanese public. The choice for Taiwan is not an allegiance between China or the US, but a path way to establish an independent foreign policy.
Xi Jingping and Ma Ying-Jeou met in Singapore. There are some obstacles to the talks. Taiwan sees its self as an independent nation-state, while the mainland wants to reunite with it. The People's Republic of China views it as a seceding province. There has been some improvement in relations, even collaboration in trade, tourism, and economic pacts. Since 2008 there has been a gradual effort to bring the two feuding nations to reconcile. The first high level talks were held around 1993, yet there are still issues. One sensitive issue was the South China Sea disputes. This was deliberately avoided during the talks.The reason for China's immediate urge to meet with Taiwan may be due to US provocations in the South China Sea. The US claims it is trying to defend the right of free navigation, but the geopolitical situation challenges this statement. The Philippines, Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam could be forming an anti-China US lead coalition. China most likely fears that Taiwan would be added to this emerging coalition. Cognizant of the previous straits incidents in the 20th century, discussing the South China Sea would complicate matters. The relationship between Taiwan and the US is a strange one. While the US does recognize the People's Republic of China, it still remains committed to defending Taiwan. However, Taiwan does not want to be a client state of the US or a tool in its foreign policy. Ma Ying-Jeou as president realized this meeting had to happen despite much protest from the Taiwanese public. The choice for Taiwan is not an allegiance between China or the US, but a path way to establish an independent foreign policy.
Xi Jingping is attempting to stop a developing image of China as a regional hegemon. Seeing as China's political and economic power is growing observers assume that it will be more threatening. China has become more assertive, but it was induced by growing US presence in Asia. Another issue facing the talks is how to get both the Chinese and Taiwanese public to accept these changes in relations. For years there has been propaganda distributed to the public and reversing this will be an arduous task. Taiwan's image of China was the belligerent Communist state seeking expansion through out Asia. China presented Taiwan as a puppet state of US foreign policy. These perceptions are extreme exaggerations, but persist. This meeting between the two presidents prove that there has been significant progress, yet expectations should not be too high. Discussion is only the first step in the process of normalization between nations.
There should be realistic expectations from observers of this diplomatic contact. There will not be immediate cordial attitudes. This will have to be fostered over a long period of time. The past cannot be forgotten and the tension is still present. After World War II there was an attempt to form a unity government, to stop the Chinese Civil War from continuing.Losing Japan as a common enemy meant that there was no reason to hold peace talks between the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang. Publicly, it appeared as if Mao and Kai-Shek were willing to negotiate. This was not to happen and hostilities continued. Seeing this parallel in history, there should be caution in regards to Presidents Xi Jingping and Ma Ying-Jeou. Beijing and Taipei may be collaborators in one circumstance and enemies in another.
Many with the more optimistic perspective refer to this diplomatic exchange as historic. It is premature to say that a new chapter has been initiated. The question regarding Taiwan as rebellious province or nation-state will not be answered anytime soon. Taiwan has seen itself as a separate country to be given a Hong Kong like status. China may just have to accept that it will remain free from its control and no longer one of its territories. There may be more progress made in economic affairs. This could be a major driving force behind for improving relations. It would be wise to develop a bilateral relationship between Taiwan and China. China has one of the world's biggest economies. Although there is slow down in growth, this is an opportunity for Taiwan. While there may be more cooperation in terms of economics, political matters will be more difficult. Taiwan's political atmosphere can be divided into parties that favor reunification and others that desire to maintain independent status. China is a one-party state, but there are factions who do not want to see the nation open normal relations. The Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan was the first to break the KMT monopoly of the presidency in the year 2000. The KMT captured the presidency from Chen Snui-Bian in 2008. Ma Ying- Jeou has been president since and has pursued a principle of mutual nondenial. This is not official foreign policy, but describes the relations between China and Taiwan. Both countries do not recognize each other, therefore complicating arguments in regards to national sovereignty in the Taiwan straits.This special state to state relationship can be viewed as actions in one state, rather than two separate entities. Reunification seems impossible, considering Taiwan now sees itself as an independent nation. There was even a referendum proposed to officially refer to the Republic of China as Taiwan in 2007. There will be more economic collaboration, but political alliances seem ou of reach.
It is premature to call this a historic or radical change in direction, but it can serve as a symbol. This meeting can be used as a symbol of a revived Pan-Asianism. Here two Asian nations considered mortal enemies are attempting to make peace. Asian problems can only be solved by Asian countries, not by external powers. If this attempt at normalization is successful, it may bring hope to the tension between North and South Korea. The Korean situation has proven far worse. It could escalate given the current geopolitical conditions. China and Taiwan's contact in Singapore could be used as a model to solve issues before they reach the point of warfare. Xi Jingping and Ma Ying Jeou should use this to advance a large cause of stability and unity through out Asia. If Taiwan can meet with a one-party communist state, then South Korea should at least take it into consideration. This would be more difficult seeing as North Korea still functions on a Soviet model of communism. China made market reforms, which has caused social problems, but it did open the country up to others economically and diplomatically. China could influence North Korea and Taiwan could do the same with South Korea. Establish a framework that reduces hostilities and fear is the only option if Asia is to advance in the 21st century. The risk may be a large South East Asian regional war, which would attract intervention by Western powers. The possibility of being recolonized is a reality. This time it will not be from the UK, France, Germany, or the Netherlands, but the United States.
One major motivation for this meeting was the changing geopolitics induced by the Asia Pivot policy. China and Asian nations are being threatened by US military build-up in the Asia Pacific region. The US is sending more troops to Australia and has a military presence in the Philippines, South Korea, including Japan. These nations were close Cold War allies and essential to the Vietnam War effort. Taiwan never has hosted US military bases. During the Cold War it did receive support, but never would allow itself to become a client of the United States. Now, Vietnam seems positioned to join this new anti-China coalition. The danger here is the development of rival alliance systems. This could tear the region apart. Division among Asian nations serves US foreign policy objectives. The United States wants to remain the sole superpower in the world and China could potentially rival it in the future.Encircling China gives the US a head start, if war is started. Recent incidents that occurred in the South China Sea are a delicate balancing act. The US claims China has violated the freedom of navigation. China has been in border and sea disputes before, but rarely did the US become vociferous. The interest was developed by the possibility of oil reserves deep in the sea. The US wants control of most of the globe's oil reserves and has developed a foreign policy around that objective. Therefore, the US has gradually attempted to change and present China as a threat to global security. Considering US military actions in Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria this claim is spurious. Asian nations who align with the US see their national sovereignty diminish, while their governments become clients to US regional demands. Asian countries should resist falling into a network of rival alliance systems. Taiwan has appeared to see the potential danger and is trying a different approach. This may lead to treating China less like an enemy and the easing of tensions.
The result of the Taiwan and China meeting could be improved economic collaboration. Political obstacles are too numerous that normalization of relations will not happen soon. Questions regarding Taiwan's status still are a hindrance to talks. The argument by some is that it is a seceding province and others assert it is an independent state. The problem becomes complicated further by the South China Sea. Just like the Taiwan straits incidents, China has caused anger among its neighbors with the construction of artificial islands. Border disputes and access to the seas are common problems for formally colonized countries. The only solution is through diplomacy and more importantly a revival of Pan-Asian solidarity. As a region, Asia shares similar challenges. This requires cooperation not competition among countries. There is a common belief held in US foreign policy circles that America should act as a balance to China in Asia. This modern day white man's burden should be discarded, because Asia as a continent spent half a century fighting for national liberation. The US should not be trusted due to its past actions in Korea, Vietnam, and the atomic attack on Japan. The end of the Cold War brought major geographic and political shifts. China and Taiwan are now are attempting to move past that troubling legacy. It will take much diligence and effort, but it is necessary given the volatile atmosphere of international affairs.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
The Basics of the Periodic Table
The periodic table is a general map that classifies elements. The basic structure has noble gases, lanthanides, actinides, and transition metals. This describes the known matter that humankind is aware of. There could be more considering there are numerous Earth like exoplanets and substances not seen by any person yet. As atomic numbers reach the hundreds on the table, these elements can only be synthetically prepared. Each section lists the atomic mass, atomic number, and the element symbol. The table seeks to group elements in terms of their properties such as metals and non-metals. The periodic table is critical to the understanding of chemistry and physics.
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