Monday, May 4, 2015

The Problems of a Prosperous Society

It is assumed that material and financial  wealth can solve all problems. After all, much misery is created when there is a lack of resources. Developing nations struggle to feed and care for their citizens. The average income is lower. Healthcare may not be adequate and education out of reach of the population. This is true hardship. Yet, there are problems that arise when there is an alleviation of particular societal ills. The West does have major political and social issues, but economic power reduces some of damaging effects. There is access to food, education, housing, and basic comforts. There is poverty in western societies, but it is smaller compared to the rest of the globe. The difference is the presence of middle class. People can improve their financial situation and possibly move up to a higher social class. This model sounds flawless, but the reality proves otherwise. When basic needs are met, people begin to engage in behaviors that are negative. Western society promotes hyper-consumerism to the public, seeing as they have disposable income. Individualism gradually becomes a mask for selfishness and entitlement. Philosophical value systems are discarded in favor of a nihilistic worldview. A philistine attitude develops among the population simultaneously with boredom. The result is a society in a state of metaphysical and ontological turmoil. 
         Hyper-consumerism is the product of a neoliberal capitalist society. Corporations encourage over-consumption of certain products for the sake of profit maximization. The idea is to have people constantly buy products, even when there is no need for them. Corporations are involved in all aspects of society including the production of electronics, medicines, food, automobiles, construction , and popular entertainment. Their reach has become global, influencing governments. There is also another group they influence and that is the public. Advertising is a twenty-four hour assault on one's perception. Constantly, on the television, radio, and internet the public is bombarded with messages to purchase products. These are possessions that are not critical. Apple for example is able to get consumers excited over the latest phone. Samsung encourages people to update their televisions to the latest HD model. While it it fun to enjoy modern products and comforts, there is a negative aspect . People start to value material possessions more than other human beings. All of a sudden "keeping up with the Jones's" becomes a compulsive obsession. The only way people feel worth is by what they have. This is a horrible mindset and damaging to a person with limited financial security. Even more tragic is how some are murdered for certain items. There are cases in which people were robbed or murdered for Air Jordan shoes. This is not only evidence of criminality, but a society that values products rather than people. The message that your worth comes from what you own, instead of what you do in life has negative psychological effects.  Not only does hyper-consumerism  cause distress,  it allows for poor money management skills. Living beyond your means can create economic challenges.
         Individualism can be seen as a major attribute to freedom. However, the West has molded this concept into a mask for selfishness and entitlement. While personal freedom must be protected, it does not mean you renounce responsibility for your community. The United States has the biggest problem with this. The Republican Party and its conservative coalitions speak of promoting  personal liberty against the federal government. They then contradict themselves by allowing government power to increase in terms of national security and legislation designed to  alienate certain  ethnic groups. Citizens become more focused on personal well being, rather that the condition of their country, society, and community. This conviction is not really individualism at all, but Objectivism. This philosophy developed by Ann Rand which believed that the only goal in life is one's personal happiness. Altruism should be discarded in favor of a rugged individualism. It justifies selfishness as a way to pursue happiness. What has formed is a culture of entitlement. The entitlement paradigm began in the 1980s  when US President Reagan was promoting supply-side  economic policy. To gain wealth by any means was considered acceptable and it did not matter who you trampled on to achieve it.The children born in the West believe that they deserve everything. Their parents have the same attitude.Such convictions do not prepare young people for the challenges of life. Society to some extent requires a level of cooperation between its members. This version of individualism is nothing more than a new version of social darwinism. Prime minister Margaret Thatcher once stated "there is no society, only individuals and their families." This quote was coded language for vicious enmity toward your fellow citizen. Helping one another is discouraged, because it is more important to serve yourself. Basic human bonds are turned into hostile competition  between individuals and groups. The hostility is a product of avarice, entitlement, and a government that does not want to serve the public.
      Nihilism has become a major issue of post-industrial societies. Citizens that reside in prosperous society no longer value higher ideas. Common conversations and discourse focus on celebrity culture or sports. If politics are discussed, it is reduced to simplistic commentary and ad hominem attacks. It is not a thoughtful debate about philosophical implications of governance. There are people who claim that organized religion can counter this nihilistic attitude. This is just another trap, because the main purpose of organized religion is to control people. Having no belief in anything creates mental dilemmas. There is an emptiness that cannot be filled with material possession. People who have the maximum amount may not find happiness.  A personal perspective and worldview is the most helpful tool to help one navigate the turbulence of life. Having some frame of reference  is critical to rational decision making.  This is one element that absent from society. Rationality and critical thinking skills are pivotal in a rapidly changing world. A nihilistic view of events can lead to negative behaviors. Addiction, following extremist movements, and a excessive  hedonistic activity are the results of not having a belief system. The desire to fill a void cannot be stopped. This will lead to boredom causing more erratic behaviors. People begin to engage in acts that lack common sense. Extreme cases would be flash mobs in which members of  the group steal immense amounts of items from stores. Another example is doing something dangerous for the sake of it. Many westerners attempt to climb Mount Everest not out of necessity, but for a longing for adventure and thrill. Some people are struggling to survive and these individuals voluntarily go into peril. Nihilism does cause strange behavior.    
       There is a point in a prosperous society in which philistine attitudes become common. The desire for knowledge is replaced by frivolous and superficial concerns. Celebrity gossip becomes more important than the condition of the world. People show limited interest in science. Generally, there is a wave of anti-intellectualism. Facts are no longer relevant, just as long as the propaganda has a simple message. Discovery and finding new knowledge can be exciting. Yet, society does not promote such ideas. The public no longer seems fascinated by space exploration. There are religious fundamentalists who seek to restrict the teaching of human evolution. The desire to keep people in a state of ignorance ultimately will destroy civilization. Having no interest in learning or knowledge hinders social and political progress. An educated population is necessary for a functioning society. Merely getting an education should not be the goal, but instills values of life long learning. One must continue to learn about people, the world, and their surroundings.Civilizations did not grow by shunning curiosity. The devotion to science and the arts allowed it to flourish.  The Songhai  Empire, Egypt,  Rome, Mali Empire,  and Han Dynasty are few ancient models of how society used knowledge to its advantage. When a civilization stops aiming for higher accomplishments, that is when it will die.
         Societies that seem prosperous still have certain difficulties. The nature of these tribulations are different from developing nations. The truth is that "First World problems" may not be issues at all. They are self induced afflictions. Avarice and desire have distorted rational judgement. People wonder aimlessly for fulfillment, but will not be satisfied. The materials amassed do not provide the person much needed answers. Questions regarding existence and the state of human condition become unpleasant to contemplate. The need to know is still there. Rather than engage in introspective thought it easier to be delusional. The society of the West has become ideologically, politically, and culturally bankrupt. The odd behavior and dysfunction present in the West is just evidence of that. The only solution is to find an alternative to hyper-consumerism. Higher ideas and philosophy must be valued again. Nihilism must be challenged, because it can have negative effects.  The type of person it produces is a selfish, mindless, and egotistical consumer.When this is done, only then can some form of balance be restored to civilization.   

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