Monday, April 13, 2015

Hillary Clinton is Running for President

Hillary Clinton has announced that she will run for president. The 2016 presidential election will be one of the toughest contests, with the disturbing issues of war, economic turmoil, and racism that plagues American society. Hillary Clinton released this video making it official that she intends to make it to the White House. However, Clinton would not make the best president. Her constant vacillation on issues related to women's rights, civil rights, and economic policy show a level of indecision. Senator Clinton is not a progressive nor a true liberal. She is a New Democrat who would have been a moderate Republican in the past. Her performance as Secretary of State is rather dismal. Hillary Clinton was a major active supporter in the intervention in Libya in 2011. As a result, the US consulate was attacked and ambassador Christopher Stevens was killed. The Republicans have little prospects of victory, unless they attempt to gain the votes of Hispanic and African American voters. It seems that Hillary Clinton has everything in her favor. This will be devastating, because in reality she is an American version of Margaret Thatcher. Just like any other president, there will be big promises but no results. Collectively, leadership of this country has failed its citizens at the state and federal level.   

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