Friday, February 28, 2025

Malcolm X Views on Integration, President Kennedy, and Race Relations (1963)


Malcolm X was critical of the Kennedy administration's lack of action on civil rights. Only when the violence in Alabama got more intense did the government take notice. Malcolm X did not support racial integration. Black separatism was in his view the only solution in a racist society. Developing a self sustaining community and in the distant future a black nation in North America was the goal. Non-violent resistance was in an ineffective tactic in Malcolm's perspective. Malcolm X was accused of hating whites by the media. His response was that he was not focused on false assertions. Such a question was a disingenuous one. The attempt was to demonize the Nation of Islam and Malcolm X as a threat. Members of the Nation of Islam were subject to police brutality and murder. Malcolm X was being spied on by the FBI. Separatism made sense in a country based on second class citizenship and segregation. Race relations would not be improved by integration. 

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